tirsdag den 12. september 2023

"Spam" der ikke kan befries! ~ Tirsdagstips

"Spam" I cannot set free!

     Der er stadigvæk kommentarer, der bliver markeret som spam selvom de ikke er det. Det er gamle nyheder.
     Men Blogger finder jo hele tiden på nye trick. Nu puttes kommentarer i spamfængselet, og når jeg trykker på ✔ for at sige: Ikke-spam - udgiv alligevel forbliver skærmen bare grå og fryser, og jeg må genindlæse siden for at komme videre.
     Men jeg har fundet ud af, hvordan man kan befri kommentarerne alligevel. Det er let som 1 -2 - 3

Blogger has for a long time now randomly put comments -- my own as well -- into spam prison. Nothing new here. But Blogger would not be Blogger if it was not up to new tricks now and then.

Now suddenly when I click the ✔ meaning Not spam, please publish, nothing happens. The screen turns grey and freezes, and I have to reload the page to continue.

I found a workaround. It is as easy as 1 -2 - 3

4 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh. I have also noticed that blogger seems to have a hate against particular commentators and is more likely to put their comments into spam jail. River is one of them. Luckily so far it allows me to release them.

    1. River and Messymimi are the two almost always put in the spam prison here. I use the feed back every time. Sometimes the release spam button also works, but mostly not.

  2. I haven't had this problem yet, either, but I am grateful to know how to deal with it if it does happen.

    1. It seems you're the big baddie according to Blogger, so it's us having a problem with you :D
      I promise to release all your comments as fast as humnely possible.
      I guess you can se it happening, as your comments does not publish immediately, only when I return to answer the comments.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.