onsdag den 17. januar 2018

TUSAL 1 - 17. januar 2018

     Som jeg skrev i min kommentar på Daffycat's blog er mit problem ikke, at jeg har for få hobbyer, ting jeg gerne vil eller materialer til at lave dem med. Mit problem er plads til at opbevare materialerne og endnu mere plads til at bruge dem og så kunne jeg da godt bruge lidt mere tid. Et par ekstra timer mellem klokken 12 og 14 ville være velkomne.
     Derfor er de fleste af mine stumper ikke af tekstil art denne gang. 
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As I said in my comment at Daffycat's blog, it's not hobbies, I'm missing, but room for them.  A little extra time would not be amiss either; a few more hours between 12 and 2 pm. would be much appreciated.
But as a result of my diverse hobbies, most of my ORTs are of non-yarny origin.

- - - - Daffycat's TUSAL - - - -

     Her er de tekstile ender. De stammer fra strikningen af min hue og et mislykket syprojekt.Alle enderne fra 2017 endte jo i to temari, så jeg begyndte på et tomt glas den 1. januar.
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 Yarny ORTs from the knitting of my earflap hat, and from a failed sewing idea.All the ORTs from 2017 did end up as centres for the two temari, so I began the year with an empty jar.

     Bemærk det nye, fine glas. Det dukkede frem under oprydningen.
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Notice the newfound container. Cleaning helps.

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      Og så har jeg puttet alle enderne fra papirkuglerne ned i glasset. Der er mange flere af dem end af garnenderne. Og sikke da nogle farver på en overskyet januardag.
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Instead I stuffed all the odds and ends from weaving paper baubles into the glass. There's  a load more, and the colours are perfect for cheering us up on a beak January day. 

     Den allerede færdige regnbuekugle set fra en ny side og et smugkig på den kommende "Asagao"-kugle.
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A new view on the already finished Rainbow bauble and a preview of the coming Morning Glory bauble.

     En ting, der er godt ved den her TUSAL-øvelse. Man passer godt på sine ender, så de ikke bliver spist af støvsugeren. Det vil sige, man rydder op, for at få alle enderne med.
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At least one good thing comes from the TUSAL. I have sudenly become very neat, picking up all threads and putting everything back in place so as not to leave any ORTs for the vacuum cleaner.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Love the orts jar its beautiful, a few threads is a great start for January and love those colorful bits. I like to start my jar empty each year.

  2. Like the fact your jar has a lid, my ORTS ended up needing dusting last year, mainly because I didn't add to them much. Love the baubles, they are very colourful.

  3. Your ort jar is very pretty with the paper weaving bits in it. And it's a great jar. :) The baubles are so pretty and I'm fascinated by the perfection of them.

  4. Love your ORTs jar! I never thought about needing a lid ..... good point there!
    Pretty baubles!
    Barbara x

  5. Lovely orts jar! Good weekend!

  6. Lovely orts jar! Good weekend!

  7. Your orts are very colourful and lovely!

  8. Beautiful ORTs! I really like your new jar. I think we could all use more room and more time!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.