onsdag den 27. december 2017

Words for Wednesday 27. december

-- Onsdagsord

This week's prompts are:

Stair rods



MotherOwl is learning new words here: Stair rods and pelmets were new to me, and at  Elephant's Child people can be seen using "wag" as a noun, I only knew it as a werb. Learn and live.

My story:
The parasol unfolded, and she gently drifted down through the fluffy, white clouds. Nearer sea level she met ascending gulls, and found out that fluffy white clouds are just wet. As she came out of the clouds, she discovered a ship below her. Gently as a leaf she settled on the deck.
A door opened, she turned around, and stood face to face with Captainn Hook. He drew his rapier, shouted: "Death to the intruder!" and began to wag his blade close to her face. Quickly she turned to the stairs behind her, grabbed a loose stair rod, and began fencing for dear life. In the end it was Captain Hookø's vanity that saved her. His high heel caught on a loose plank, and she jumped overboard. She could get no wetter after the trip through the clouds.
The captain stood at the gunwale, screaming futile curses at her, but he had to stay on board because of the tick-tock crocodile.

(Also posted at Elephnat's Child's blog.) 

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