torsdag den 16. oktober 2014

Strikkeklub - 16/10 - Yarn Along

     Det er alt for længe siden Uglemor sidst har leget med Ginnys strikkeklub. Ikke fordi der ikke er blevet strikket, men bare fordi. I dag har en kold og klam Uglemor så tilbragt aftenen med at få varem i de gamle knogler ved at drikke the, læse om rosenkransen for at genopfriske lysets mysterier og strikke nok et par tabi-sokker. Denne gang i tykt bomuld, nej hvor går det dejligt hurtigt.

Far too long time has passed since MotherOwl last participated in the Yarn Along. Not because knitting - and other yarn based activities have not taken place. But today one cold MotherOwl spent the evening knitting, drinking tea and talking while trying to get warm again. On the needles a new pair of tabi socks, because one pair is not enough. This time in thick cotton which makes for much faster knitting. Reading a book on the Rosary for refreshments of the lunminous mysteries. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    It sounds like your weather is cooling down. Drinking tea, knitting and talking... sounds like the perfect way to spend an evening!

    1. Yes Autumn is coming strong. We like to spend raininge and windy Autumn evenings inside with tea and talk.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.