fredag den 3. oktober 2014

Shrek-agtig -- Shrek-ish

     Uglemor elsker at cykle på indkøb eller ind og hente Ugleungerne - de to aktivitetet bliver oftest kombineret. På det seneste har uglemor dog følt sig lidt underligt tilmode på vej gennem skoven. Sådan lidt grønlig og med sjove ører. Uglemor føler sig Shrek-agtig! 

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MotherOwl often go by bike to town, either shopping or picking up Owlets from school - often both at once. But lately MotherOwl has felt strange biking through the woods, sort of greenish and with strange ears growing out. MotherOwl feels Shrek-ish!

     I startten, dan jeg boede her, mødte jeg kun en enkelt hundelufter og måske en rytter eller to på min vej gennem skoven. Nu er der flokke af børn fra skolefritidsordninngen og gamle fra plejehjemmet- Ok, de opholder sig på det, jeg kalder Skovtursengen - fair nok. Bare de bliver der, men i resten af skoven er der  løbere, cykelryttere og folk med stave, der vælter rundt som om det var deres skov!
     Hvad sytten laver alle de mennesker dog i min skov? De plukker mine svampe og bær, de tramper på mine urter og skræmmer mine hjorte.
     Uglemor føler sig decideret Shrek-agtig efter sin cykeltur.

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When we first moved to this place, we had the woods all by ourselves. Somebody walked their dogs in and out both ends of the trail - about 200 metres out of the total 4 km bike ride, and mostly I only saw paw-prints, gnawed sticks and other left overs, not the actual culprits. Maybe a horse and it's rider crossed my trail, but again mostly I only saw hoofprints.
Now I meet lots of schoolchildren on outings, oldish people fram the near by home - OK these two groups use the facility I call the Picnic-meadow. Permission granted, but then ... runners, Nordic walkers, mountainbikers, triathletes (not swimming of course) ect. all behaving as if the woods belonged to them.
What are they doing in my woods? Picking my mushrooms and berries, scaring my deer and rabbits, and tramping down my herbs?  MotherOwl feels Shrek-ish today.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Oh my! I suspect if I saw your woods I would want to run through them as well. They sound so beautiful. I love running along trails. Of course I would promise to tread lightly and not squash any of your herbs. I think I know how you feel though. I don't like sharing our bush tracks with walkers with dogs or trail bike riders. I wish they would go somewhere else and leave us in peace!

    1. You would be more than welcome to run in "my" woods. They are tempting, mixed beechwood with open spaces and deer. What surprises me, is the fact that they are getting more tempting over time. The woods have been there for a long time, the people only the last 5 - 6 years. Maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy.


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