I feel very much like participating in A-Z Challenge this year as well, but I do not feel like writing much, or drawing, or researching ... I thought up an idea: I am going to solve each day's wordle, using as starter word one beginning with the day's letter.
For instance April 1st, I am going to lay out with a word beginning with A and containing 5 letters, like AGILE.
I'll maybe add a few words about my chosen starter word if fancy takes me, else I'll just post the solution - or not in the case that I did not solve it.
Maybe I should make the Wordles a day in advance, so as not to feel compelled to begin each day with the tedious spoiler alerts.
And one more rule. All five letters in the word need to be different if at all possible, no Arrow, no Salad.
The alternative badges, as supplied by Lissa seems to suggest growing things as starter words.
I have as yet not decided which one I like best. I look at them, like number 1 best. I look again and prefer number 2 ... Next time I look at them it's the other way around.
And, dear Lissa, I found out why I was in doubt. Really, I liked number 2 best - only not the red letters, I preferred the orange colour of number 1.
Now I tried changing the red letters in number 2 to orange, I like this way better, and that's the one I'm going to use. I hope you can forgive me for this.
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