mandag den 10. februar 2025

Poetry Monday :: Funny

Every Monday is Poetry Monday.

Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health and relaxation, travelling the world with her husband as far as we can tell.
We just hope she's going to take back over once she returns home again.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Funny - I'm not very funny today, but then I remebered this verse ... it is funny and it even contains the word funny.

I eat my peas with honey;
I've done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny,
But it keeps them on the knife.

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Up and coming:
February 10: Funny
February 17: Fidgety
February 24: Fluffy

March  3: Station
March  10: Ghost
March  17: Steam
March  24: Orange
March  31: Turn

3 kommentarer:

  1. I remember that verse and I also remember the first time I heard it I wanted to try peas with honey. They were awful! I went back to peas with just a touch of melted butter and eaten with a fork or spoon.

    1. I never tried, but I'm sure I'd vastly prefer them with butter and salt. For long I wondered why the author had to keep the peas on his knife. Not until years later, where I read about somebody in pioneer times eating off their knife did I understand. In Denmark it is a no-no to put your knife in the mouth.

  2. Heeheehee! I've always enjoyed this verse, too. And yes, it's not good manners to eat off of your knife, which makes this even funnier in a way.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.