fredag den 28. april 2023

V ~ Vejs ende

      Hver dag klokken 12 (undtagen søndag) kommer dagens A-Z indlæg, hvis der altså kommer et.
     Temaet for i år er
Resilience som teamet har valgt, og jeg har valgt undertemaet Blomster, træer og forfædre, så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.
A - Z

  Every day at noon (except Sundays) a new A-Z post goes live - or no post today.
  The theme for this year is
Resilience as given by the team, with my subtitle Flowers, Trees and Ancestors.

V ~ Vejs ende / End of the Road

Det er dybt ironisk at det er enden og begyndelsen der er de sværeste. I begyndelsen fordi kirkebøgerne ikke er der, de er brændt, dårligt førte, vandskadede, ormædte, blegnede eller bare jævnt hen ulæselige. I enden fordi vi på grund ad GDPR ikke må få lagt noget ud på nettet. Så hvis jeg har lyst til at lede i kirkebøgerne efter min egen fødsel, mine forældres ægteskab, eller mine bedsteforældres død, så skal jeg møde personligt op på sognekontoret eller hvor bøgerne nu ligger. Og det gør jeg ikke.
     Så jeg må leve med, at jeg faktisk ikke ved præcis hvornår det var - jo min egen fødselsdag er jeg rimelig sikker på, selv om jeg altså ikke har en kirkebogsudskrift 😉 Men ellers, så må jeg stole på min hukommelse, dagbogsnotater osv.

V ~ Vejs ende / End of the Road

It is deeply frustrating that the search for ancestors is hard in the beginning and in the end. In the beginning because of the church registers, they have been burned, damaged by water, worms and deterioration, or just plain missing or illegible. In the end the GDPR means that I cannot acces newer data online. If I would like to find the dates for my own birth, the marriage of my parents, or the death of my grandmothers, I heve to go to whereever the church registers are physically kept. And I won't, as I would have to travel a lot then.

I have to live with not being certain of these dates. Well of course I know my own birthday 😉 even if I do not have a copy of the church register for it, and as to the rest, I'll have to trust diary notes and memory.

V ~ Vejs ende / End of the Road

Det sidste oversigtsskema er det over smedene i Remkolde. Selv om jeg er sikrere på at det er de rigtige personer, jeg har fundet, er der et par "mystiske mennesker" der bare forsvinder eller dumper ned fra himlen. Og også her gælder hvad jeg sagde om Ulse-boerne. De ældre generationer på oversigten kan sagtens have haft endnu flere børn, end det fremgår af tavlen her.


The last overwiev is the blachsmiths of Remkolde. Even if I'm more sure that I found the right persons here, a few are still "mystery-people" disappearing or materializing at random like in Ulse. And what I said for the people of Ulse goes here too: The older generations might very well have had more children than can be seen here.

V ~ Vejs ende / End of the Road

Dermed er jeg ikke helt færdig. Jeg har et par sjove oplysninger, nogle billeder og sjove detaljer endnu.
I'm not quite done, Durig the research I have found some photos and a fun fact or two.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you so much for all the work you have put into both the project and the blog posts. I am looking forward to seeing the photos and to the fun facts too.

    1. Thank you ... now I only miss the other three grandparents' families. But I am far from certain I'm going to try and find them.
      But I think that those ancestors are going to resurface again at intervals. Only yesterday I busted one more myth.

  2. You've done an amazing amount of work, i'm sorry it's not so easy to get the newer records.

    1. Thank you
      It is a bit of a bother as I would like to so to say "end the story" and find the data of my grandmothers' siblings burials. But they seem all to have died less than 50 years ago, and so cannot be found online.
      It seems deaths are made accessible online after 50 years rolling, unlike births and weddings that ends with 1960, I do not really understand why.

  3. Is the Church Register the only proof of your birthday? do you not have access to a government Birth Certificate such as we have here? We send in a request with the date and place, pay a fee and get a stamped certificate. I have copies of my German parents birth and wedding certificates too. But only photocopies, not the real thing, I don't know who mum gave the real ones too, or maybe she could only get photocopies.

    1. We do things different from how it is done Germany, and the the church registers are the authoritative proof of births, weddings and deaths. I have to travel somewhere to see births and weddings since 1960 and burials since 1973. All because of the aforementioned numbers and GDPR.
      But the births etc. since 1960-something (and extending backwards through all living at that time - my grandparents too) are all registered in a giant computer somewhere and we all have a number (called Personal number). With this number and a code we have access to all data about ourselves. I can see when was born, who my parents are, to whom I'm married and when, where I have lived, when I have been to what hospital, and so on and so forth ... a whole load of data ... from home as well.
      I do have my own original birth and wedding certificates ;) And I only ever was married in church, never at any governmental place - you do either or, not both as in Germany. I suspect I could only get copies of my own documents, not my parents' - for a fee.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.