Sometimes MotherOwl knits. And when there's a new technique to study, the result often end up as dishcloths.
Short row knitting is the new technique this time, and the resulting piece was not suitable for even a dishcloth.
Vendestrikket prøveklud -- Short row swatch. |
Piraten har nogle plysdyr, han samler på. Dem kalder han B-ulve. De er egentlig en reklame for Bilka, men det vidste vi ikke, da han fik den første, som han elskede højt. Han og Spiril gennemsøger alle loppemarkeder og genbrugsbutikker for B-ulve og - naturligvis - spiriller.
For et stykke tid siden fandt vi hele to nye B-ulve på én dag. En prinsesse og kendes kammerpige. Piraten var ikke tilfreds med kammerpigens kjole, og Uglemor lovede at lave en ny.
Pirate has some plushies - the B-wolves - which he loves. He and Marsupilami scour the second hand shops for more of those, and marsupilamis of course. A trip some time ago yielded two new B-wolves, a Princess and her chamber maid. The chamber maid's dress did not please Pirate, and MotherOwl promised him another, homemade one.
Kammerpigen og prinsessen på vej hjem i bussen. The chambermaid and her princess riding the bus home. |
De to ting måtte kunne kombineres. En prøveoplægning viste, at kluden var præcis en halv B-ulvekjole. Så Uglemor strikkede en til, syded sammen og hæklede bindebånd.
Those two facts were combined. The swatch was half a B-wolf dress. MotherOwl knit one more, and crocheted some laces.
Syet sammen og parat Sewn together, all ready. |
B-ulvekammerpige i ny kjole.
B-wolf chambermaid in her new dress.
Ta-daah! |
Yarn Along
Friskt outfit! Og tænk, du havde rødt garn i gemmerne. ;-)
SvarSletThis was just the very first thought when I saw the swatch :) A dress for some toy animal or doll.