tirsdag den 25. juli 2023

Words for Wednesday, July 26 -- The Words

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

This post goes live at 16.01 Tuesday my time. I have found out - hopefully now correct - that this is when Wednesday begins in Canberra.

For today the prompt are:
A pod of dolphins
Farmacy - Pharmacy is what I meant. Due to Blogger and spell checker not co-operating in January.

16 kommentarer:

  1. I will get working on something, thank you for providing the prompts this month.

  2. farmacy? Is that something do do with farms or is it the chemist/drugstore/pharmacy where people go to get their prescriptions filled?

    1. Hehe, it is, as EC rightly guessed the word Pharmacy Misspelled by yours truly. I begin to suspect that I pre-posted the Words in a period where the spell checker was wonky.


  3. Some days it seems that my life is a thistle field. My brain is shrouded in fog. I am caught in a nutcracker and lurch from doctor to pharmacy and back to the doctor. In the crumbs of life left to me there is no room for much else. So I pull up my big-girl pants and tighten my belt.
    In gratitude I remember watching a pod of dolphins dance in the waves, I delight in a delicious mushroom stroganoff and in the gap between appointments I revel in the golden yellow winter sunshine. Even on dark days my life is packed with beauty and I am content.

    1. I wish I had words that could make things better.

    2. Well written, but oh, so sad. I find brain fog to be the worst! And I am happy that you are able to enjoy the golden moments in between.

    3. keeping you in prayers and sending you hugs

  4. Very nicely done EC, I do wish your life could be easier though.

  5. Here is mine:
    “You have my eternal gratitude,” she said hoarsely as I helped her out of the thistle bed she had become entangled in. “You’re lucky I came this way,” I replied. “my name is Khoral Kai and you are..?” “I am Jennifer Amitri. I don’t suppose you have a little water with you? I’ve been stuck here for what seems like hours and my throat is as dry as a desert.” I handed her the spare bottle of sparkling water from my backpack and watched as she guzzled down half of it in one go.
    Finally stopping for breath, Jennifer thanked me again and asked, “I don’t suppose you saw a tourist bus anywhere along the way? I wandered away from the group, I saw a pod of dolphins a little way out and walked along watching as they did their dance amongst the waves. Then I fell on some loose gravel and landed in the thistles.”
    “Then you must be the Jenny they are all frantically calling for,” I said. “You wandered quite a long way, I passed the bus at least fifteen minutes ago. I was out here to see the dolphins also. Come along back down the trail now and we’ll have to hurry a bit, there’s a fog rolling in, see the low cloud over to the South? By the Lighthouse. That’s the fog and moving quite quickly too. “So it is,” she said. “I remember just how fast it comes in though I haven’t been here in many years now.”
    “We are almost at the bus now,” I said, perhaps one of the others has a brush you can borrow to get the bits of thistle out of your golden yellow hair.” Jenny gasped as her hands flew to her head. “Oh I hope I don’t look too unkempt! I suppose I should be glad I didn’t scratch my face, the thistles were quite thick.” “You do have one small scratch beside your ear,” I said. “I shall ask the bus driver to stop at the pharmacy for some antiseptic wipes and hope he isn’t too inconvenienced by it,” she said. “I have already made them terribly late by getting lost.”
    “I shall speak to him,” I said. “I think perhaps he will just be glad you are safe and sound.” “Thank you again. Coral is an unusual name for a man, do you spell it with a ‘C’ like the coral that grows and forms reefs?” “No, it is spelled with a ‘KH’, I said. “KHORAL”, I live in that Lighthouse which is now shrouded by the fog and look! Here is the bus and all your friends.” “You are a long way from home, how did you get here? Do you need a ride home? The driver might not mind one extra passenger, the bus has plenty of room.”
    “We shall ask then,” said Khoral, “if my bicycle can be hooked onto the back of the bus. I would like to ride with you and your friends. It can be an adventure that I weave into a story to tell the village children at our next story-telling afternoon.”

    1. What a lovely story, and such an interesting name!

    2. Thank you. Khoral Kai is an alien stranded on Earth after his own planet disintegrated while he was visiting here.

  6. (This has been an X rated week for me.)
    I remember the fog after the nutcracker did her thing below my belt because there was no place for my mushrooms to go in the little room they had.

  7. I did a story....https://peppylady.blogspot.com/2023/07/today-is-friday-july-28-2023-this-is.html


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.