mandag den 15. juli 2019

Poetry Monday :: Notes

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Notes (courtesy of Jenny). 

It's Summer holidays in the Owlery and surroundings. We're busy doing nothing and everything. MotherOwl is also still busy gathering her notes for last Wednesday's chapter of Unicorn Farm ... still thinking, writing and deleting. If this was in the days gone by, my eraser would be worn down by now.  

It's Summer holidays.
All my notes have blown away.

Gardening notes,
Magical notes,
Musical notes,
Weaving notes ...

All my notes are blown away.
I hope they will be back some day.

♫ 🎶 ♬ ♬ ♫ 🎶 🎝 🎜 ♬ ♫ 🎶

6 kommentarer:

  1. I hope your notes return too - but in the meantime enjoy your Summer Holidays.

    1. Thank you they will return, carried on our gentle summer breezes.

  2. When that happens, sometimes it means it is time to give yourself a holiday. Our brains need time to stew on things, turn them over in the back recesses, air everything out a bit.

    Like EC, i hope you can relax and enjoy your summer and let your mind bring it all back when it's ready.

    1. I tried letting the back burner do the job. It had worked many times previously, but no, I had to toil through all 8 lines. Holiday helps!

  3. And yet - this too is a poem! Holidays are for recharging, for doing something different. I hope yours is going well, MotherOwl.

    1. Oh, yes, Jenny_o. This too is a poem. I'm enjoying my holiday immensely, preparing 37 hanks of yarn for plant dyeing play and fun :)


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