Today I was once again out and about. I was to a meeting - a nice one involving cake and knitting and winding of hanks of yarn for plant dyeing - just after the meeting one of the Owlets phoned me. Could I please get some medicine for him at the pharmacy? Of course I could, just a small detour, can do. Only when I arrived in town, the pharmacy near the station - and bus stops - had changed its hours and was closed less than ten minutes ago. I ran to the other one, further away, as I wanted to catch the next bus back home.
In the car park in front of the far away pharmacy I saw a car with the number 011, but I dared not stop, pull out my camera from my backpack, and get a photo. I hurried on, into the pharmacy, I was second in line, but both customers in front of me had endless problems. I had the pills and paid an exorbitant sum, and pulled out my camera. Checking my watch, I saw that I had time for a photo ... if only the car did not belong to one of the two talkative customers, and had left.
In the car park in front of the far away pharmacy I saw a car with the number 011, but I dared not stop, pull out my camera from my backpack, and get a photo. I hurried on, into the pharmacy, I was second in line, but both customers in front of me had endless problems. I had the pills and paid an exorbitant sum, and pulled out my camera. Checking my watch, I saw that I had time for a photo ... if only the car did not belong to one of the two talkative customers, and had left.