torsdag den 20. marts 2025

011 & Beetroot Dyeing

Today I was once again out and about. I was to a meeting - a nice one involving cake and knitting and winding of hanks of yarn for plant dyeing - just after the meeting one of the Owlets phoned me. Could I please get some medicine for him at the pharmacy? Of course I could, just a small detour, can do. Only when I arrived in town, the pharmacy near the station - and bus stops - had changed its hours and was closed less than ten minutes ago. I ran to the other one, further away, as I wanted to catch the next bus back home.

In the car park in front of the far away pharmacy I saw a car with the number 011, but I dared not stop, pull out my camera from my backpack, and get a photo. I hurried on, into the pharmacy, I was second in line, but both customers in front of me had endless problems. I had the pills and paid an exorbitant sum, and pulled out my camera. Checking my watch, I saw that I had time for a photo ... if only the car did not belong to one of the two talkative customers, and had left.


Nope, it was still there.
Back home again I let one of the hanks down in a pot of beetroot dye - hoping for red. Time will tell.

onsdag den 19. marts 2025

Words for Wednesday ~ March 19

In March, River is supplying the prompts for Words for Wednesday.

Word for Wednesday is a challenge that was started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable event with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

This Wednesday's prompts:

I will be continuing my surrealistic story of Sue and Bill As I wrote last Wednesday I still need to get back to normal after these last stressing months. I am slowly starting to knit, sow, weed and so on, but the slightest adversity saps any and all strength. Still, luckily Spring is on its way and I'm SO  thankful that the light is returning!

They stripped the man of his wet gear and carried him to the couch near the blazing fireplace. He moaned and came around. "The spanner," he croaked. "Give me the spanner!"
Sue picked up the rusty spanner from the floor, hefting it and noticing how light it was. The man grasped the spanner with both hands and bit into it. Sue looked at her hands, they were covered in what she thought was rust, but on a closer inspection it turned out to be cocoa powder. It was made from chocolate.
"I still need your help," the man said. "The ghosts are out there tonight. They came after me from the old ship and walked right through me several times all the way here."
"Bugger," Bill said loudly. "We handed back the ghost-hounds only a week ago. We'll need them."

They listened to the man's explanation.
"It's all red herrings," Bill said,
"Are we detectives, or are we not," Sue replied.
"I need a beer," the man said, "Chocolate is fine, and warms your soul, but beer is better."
Bill went into the kitchen while Sue kept the man company, or kept an eye on him, or both. She saw him ogling the Inuit mask on the wall and later look sharply at the small netsuke in the book case, these were strangely made, and resembled tupilak to the unwary.
Bill returned from the kitchen, carrying a deep tray with three glasses of draught beer, some sandwiches, and a tasty dessert made from dried peaches and whipped cream.
They all ate, and then Bill looked sternly at the man: "Now you tell us the truth!"

Hopefully more words to come, thanks River.

tirsdag den 18. marts 2025

A-Z Challenge ~ Wordle Edition?

I feel very much like participating in A-Z Challenge this year as well, but I do not feel like writing much, or drawing, or researching ... I thought up an idea: I am going to solve each day's wordle, using as starter word one beginning with the day's letter.

For instance April 1st, I am going to lay out with a word beginning with A and containing 5 letters, like AGILE.

I'll maybe add a few words about my chosen starter word if fancy takes me, else I'll just post the solution - or not in the case that I did not solve it.
Maybe I should make the Wordles a day in advance, so as not to feel compelled to begin each day with the tedious spoiler alerts.

And one more rule. All five letters in the word need to be different if at all possible, no Arrow, no Salad.

The alternative badges, as supplied by Lissa seems to suggest growing things as starter words.

I have as yet not decided which one I like best. I look at them, like number 1 best. I look again and prefer number 2 ... Next time I look at them it's the other way around.

And, dear Lissa, I found out why I was in doubt. Really, I liked number 2 best - only not the red letters, I preferred the orange colour of number 1.

Now I tried changing the red letters in number 2 to orange, I like this way better, and that's the one I'm going to use. I hope you can forgive me for this.

mandag den 17. marts 2025

Poetry Monday :: Steam

Every Monday is Poetry Monday.

Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health and relaxation, travelling the world with her husband as far as we can tell.
We just hope she's going to take back over once she returns home.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

This Monday we've been given Steam I made two strange items using this word. First a short poem.

I see steam rising
what can it be?
A train, a dragon,
or coffee for me?

Then a WordLit once again. I re-arranged the letters in the word Steam, and then this here crazyness happenened

- - - - - -

Up and coming:
March 17: Steam
March 24: Orange
March 31: Turn
April 7: Road
April 14: Bring
April 21: Free
April 28: Jam

søndag den 16. marts 2025

Sunday Selection - the Australian One & 010

This Saturday was an "Australian" day. I went shopping, and found this plant:

Lørdag stod i Australiens tegn. Først købte jeg denne her plante:
It should be able to survive in a protected corner of my garden, but till further it is in a cool room.

Den skulle oven i købet kunne overleve på en beskyttet plads i haven - den står nu indendørs indtil videre.

 - - -

And then BigBro came visiting, A work colleague had given him a gift:

Og så kom Storebror på besøg. En kollega havde efterladt denne her gave til ham:
We all tried it on toast and it was not exactly delicious, but way better than I had feared or expected. A bit like eating concentrated soup.

Vi smagte det alle sammen på ristet brød. Det smagte ikke fremragende, men meget bedre end jeg havde frygtet; nærmest som koncentreret suppe.


And shopping I also saw a 010. No photo as it was not parked, but drove past me. Time expectancy down to 133 years. Still not doable.

Da jeg var på indmøb så jeg også en bil med nummer 010 køre forbi, derfor ingen foto. Nu kan jeg forvente at blive færdig, går jeg fylder 133, stadig ikke spor sandsynligt!

--- 🌱 ---

Jeg fik også plantet lidt flere frø. Bordet, der tjener som plantebord, og nogle af frøposerne passer til månedens farve, Sankt Patriks-grøn.

I also planted a few more seeds. The table, used for planting (and many other thing) and some of the seed bags, sure fit my colour of the month.