Tøm Tønden - link - Stash Bashing
Today's Stash Bashing-project was to have been socks for Marsupilami, but then I looked closer at Pirate's second sock and found this:
Og nu til Spirillens Tøm Tønden-strømper. Der var lidt flaskegrønt og noget mere sort garn tilovers fra hans første par, og så fandt jeg et kedeligt blåt nøgle i bunden af tønden. Det flaskegrønne blev vejet i to lige store portioner. Så slog jeg ellers op, og skulle have strikket videre i dag. Suk, jeg må trævle op og strikke hælen om igen på piratens strømpe. Jeg havde ellers lige glædet mig til det lidt hurtigere arbejde på pinde 4½.
Det blå nøgle var selvfølgelig nederst i tønden. Det kan jeg ikke helt forstå, alt den garn, jeg har brug for ligger altid nederst, så jeg må tage alting op af tønden hver eneste gang.
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A few remarks on Marsupilami's Stash-bashing-socks. Some bottlegreen and black yarn was left over from his first pair of socks. I found a miserable blue skein at the bottom of my stash barrel. Why are all the yarn I am looking for always at the bottom of the barrel, resulting in me having to take out every single item in the barrel each and every time I'm looking for something down there?
Well I split the bottlegreen in two equal parts after weight and cast on for the socks. The general idea was to finish Pirate's second sock tonight, and the continue knitting these ones. But as the pictures of Pirate's sock show, tonight is dedicated to frogging and starting over with the heel, and the needles are size 2½ metric (13 in USA sizes) whereas Marsupilami's are on size 4½ (7) which makes for much quicker knitting.
SvarSletThank you so much for sharing that unravelling tip! I hate fixing up mistakes. Your tip is going to make all the difference. I hope it's a long time before I need to try it out though!
Sue Elvis,
Sletso do I, but only if it's because you do not make any mistakes, not if it's because you're not knitting anything :)