lørdag den 2. februar 2013

Dagens billede 2 -- Picture a Day 2

     Hver dag i februar vil jeg forsøge at fuldende et projekt, stort eller lille, og tage et billede af det. I går fik jeg høstet ingefær. I dag var det så hønsevanderen, der stod for tur. Den har længe trængt til at blive vasket, men den har være frossen.Det er stadig koldt, lige omkring frysepunktet, så for ikke at lave glidebaner udendørs, tog jeg vanderen ind i badekarret og skrubbede den. Bagefter skrubbede jeg både badekarret og mig selv grundigt. .
     I dag er det Kyndelmisse, Herrens fremstilling i templet. I dag siger man at vinteren er halvvejs ovre. Der gjalt i det gamle landbrug, hvor man skulle have foder til sine egne dyr. I dag skulle halvdelen af forrådet være tilbage, for der var nu halvdelen af tiden tilbage til dyrene igen kunne komme på græs.

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Every day in February I'll try to do a job I have postponed, or not gotten finished, and then post a picture here on my blog. Yesterday I harvested my ginger, and today I washed the chickens' water feeder. It has needed a wash for a long time, but it has been frozen. Today it had thawed, and I took it into our bathtub and scrubbed it. Afterwards I scrubbed the bathtub and myself even better.

Today is Presentation of the Lord - In Denmark better known as Candlemass. According to old traditions it is halfway through winter; not that winter will continue for as long as it has been at it now, but half of the feed for the livestock should still be in stock today. That long there's still left until the cows and horses can be sent grazing  on new grass.

  • Hønsene nyder deres renvaskede vandtårn. 
Minimax - hvis pligt det er at give dem vand - smutter væk i baggrunden.
  • The chickens drinking with pleasure from theit clean feeder. 
Minimax is slipping away in the background, it's his job to water the chickens.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    I have so many jobs I am postponing doing or haven't got around to. Perhaps I need a month of jobs too.

    You are halfway through winter and we are 2/3rds of the way through summer! In Australia, for some strange reason, we base our seasons on the calendar, very nice and tidy (3 months exactly of each season) but not always accurate!

    I love the photos of your hens in the snow.

    God bless!

    1. That idea of basing the season on the calendar has also gotten a lot of followers in Denmark. Only the nature does not seem to have noticed, and still gives us snow in March or even April - Winter after the calendar being confined to December, January and February - and hot days in October, We actually went to the beach in October with more than 20 degrees a year or two ago; mean temperature in October, being the middle Autmn month, is around 10 degrees.
      Happy day of St. Blaise


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