Blogger putter stadig tilfældige kommentarer i spamfængsel. Jeg lover at slippe dem ud hurtigst muligt. Blogger is still randomly putting comments in spam-jail. I promise to free them as fast as possible.
It was my turn to be shocked. When I saw this blog post title the other day, I thought you were closing your blog! I popped over straight away and was very happy to hear you were discontinuing blogging only for a day.
I'm sorry to have schcked you. This time it IS my inadequate English. The Danish only means that an unforeseen break happened, and that was what I tried to say in English as well. So no, I'm not stopping.
SvarSletIt was my turn to be shocked. When I saw this blog post title the other day, I thought you were closing your blog! I popped over straight away and was very happy to hear you were discontinuing blogging only for a day.
God bless!
I'm sorry to have schcked you. This time it IS my inadequate English. The Danish only means that an unforeseen break happened, and that was what I tried to say in English as well. So no, I'm not stopping.