Medens jeg stod oppe på stigen og pudsede, hørte jeg tunge vingeslag, og to svaner kom flyvende hen over haven. Det har været en meget sær dag rent vejrmæssigt set. I morges var der rimtåge, så da jeg kom hjem efter at have fulgt Ugleungerne til bussen, måtte jeg hente kameraet og tage et par billeder. Midt på dagen blev det forårsagtigt, og nu til aften er rimtågen tilbage igen.
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I've been cleaning windows today. I did not clean all of them as my fingers turned to ice. It is a project it is very hard to photograph, some nature pictures from outside must suffice.
I heard big wings beating, as I stood on the ladder. I looked up and saw two big, white swans flying over our garden.
The weather today has been changing. This morning as I followed the Owlets to the busstop it was misty and freezing, making for beautiful bushes and trees. At midday the Sun was shining, and it felt like Spring. Now darknes comes creeping, and the freezing mists with it.
- Et andet projekt. Minimax ville gerne lære at løse Rubiks terning. I dag har han været hjemme fra skole og har brugt tiden, når han ikke læste, til at lære at løse den. Han har samlet den på billedet. Det er en rigtig god terning, men mange små Ugleunger har gnavet i den.
- Minimax has wanted to learn to solve Rubik's cube for some time. He was home sick from school today, and actually leared how to. He solved this one, an old one of mine. A smooth turning one, but marked by many small teeth.
You seem closer to spring than we are! lovely pictures.
SvarSletI love looking at your nature photos. The first one of the frost covered bush is especially beautiful. Wouldn't it be interesting if everyone posted some photos of their home and close surroundings?
Thank you for sharing your photos!
Sue Elvis, Pictures from house and surroundings sounds like a good idea. It would make it easier to imagine how living there was.
SletI have discussed with myself whether to do what I did some years ago, when we lived in Germany. I went out on the 1st of each month - give or take a few days. I had a newborn (yes we mowed away for a year when he was 14 days old), two small ones, and two bigger back then - and took 2 photos of the same tree. A tree around the year. I planned on making a booklet or some such, but life happened. It is paper photos (or whatever - not digital ones). Else I'd like to post the series here. beginning in august, because that was when I began back then. I have a secret passion for trees and the way they change with the seasons.
SletCould you scan your tree photos? I'd love to see them! But not if it's a lot of work, of course. Most of our trees are evergreen so they don't change with the seasons. But sometimes we see gum tree flowers at certain times of the year. Gum trees can grow very tall and the flowers aren't always conspicuous. We do have a few exotic trees such as an ash and some Japanese maples which we planted in our garden, but these aren't very big yet. Trees take such a long time to grow and mature!
"Exotic trees such as ash" That made me laugh. In our neighbours' gardens are at least 3 gigantic ash trees, and I work hard every spring to remove literally hundreds of ash trees from my garden. Some invariably sprout inside a bush, and if I do not remove all of them the first year, where it's comparatively easy to pull them up, they're 1½-2 meters tall next year, and almost impossible to remove. In my garden they're a weed! Japanese maple is an exotic tree here as well, it's cold, and many wilt away in their first year, but their autumn colours are worth the extra work. Gum trees are not growing here at all, but I have seen them in southern parts of Europe, Spain, Portugal and Italy. They have a characteristic smell, but I never saw them flower.
SletScanning - well great idea. My husband has a new scanner, able to scan pictures. I might give it a try. Really I have to do something about all those pictures from before the digital age ;)