søndag den 2. marts 2025

Sunday Selections :: Colour of the Month

Just a single photo from a year ago. The cake fits the colour of March: Saint Patrick's green.
Bare et enkelt foto fra sidste år. Kagen her rammer marts måneds farve, sankt Patriks grøn.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Lovely cake for St. Patrick's Day!

    1. Yes. Maybe shamrocks and snates would be a better decoration, though :)

    2. No worries! Love for frogs too.

  2. Svar
    1. Traditional Danish birthday-and-any-other-celebration-cake, It can be very tasty when well made (ours normally are).

  3. Svar
    1. Thanks, and no, not my work, Hubby's the cake artist here.

  4. a frog cake! Here in Adelaide we have our own version of a frog cake, they come in green and also in pink and are so very sweet even I can't eat a whole one. I'll see if I can find a picture of one.

    1. Frog cakes ... we have those too. Called Kaj-kage after a children's TV serial with puppets. I'll look too today ;)

    2. I looked to Wikipedia. The Australian Frogcake is mentioned when looking up Kajkage and the other way round - with pictures ;)


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