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Just a single photo from a year ago. The cake fits the colour of March: Saint Patrick's green. Bare et enkelt foto fra sidste år. Kagen her rammer marts måneds farve, sankt Patriks grøn.
a frog cake! Here in Adelaide we have our own version of a frog cake, they come in green and also in pink and are so very sweet even I can't eat a whole one. I'll see if I can find a picture of one.
Lovely cake for St. Patrick's Day!
SvarSletYes. Maybe shamrocks and snates would be a better decoration, though :)
SletNo worries! Love for frogs too.
SletWhat a fun dessert!
SvarSletTraditional Danish birthday-and-any-other-celebration-cake, It can be very tasty when well made (ours normally are).
SletAh, so cute! Your work?
SvarSletThanks, and no, not my work, Hubby's the cake artist here.
Sleta frog cake! Here in Adelaide we have our own version of a frog cake, they come in green and also in pink and are so very sweet even I can't eat a whole one. I'll see if I can find a picture of one.
SvarSletFrog cakes ... we have those too. Called Kaj-kage after a children's TV serial with puppets. I'll look too today ;)
SletI looked to Wikipedia. The Australian Frogcake is mentioned when looking up Kajkage and the other way round - with pictures ;)