onsdag den 5. marts 2025

Askeonsdag ~ Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday. This day marks the beginning of the big fast - the one lasting all of 40 days from now to Easter. If you're now doing the maths and get more than 40 days from today until Easter Ssunday, you're doing it right. But  if you subtract the Sundays -- as they are not days of fasting ever, but feast days always in memory of the Resurrection -- then you'll get exactly 40 as the result.

I think we're keeping the lenten activities simpel this year. No candy and more prayers; I'll probably find our Lenten bean jar and as I wrote one Easter morning long ago:
All the beans in our Lenten jar have "miraculously" turned into jelly beans as we returned home from mass. And as usually good deeds are being done much more frequently than when the jar contained only dried beans. But as a symbol of God's mercy, the jar keeps filling itself all during Easter time.

Maybe I'll print a Lenten cross. One square to colour each day of Lent. Let's keep it simple.

-- ♱ --

     I dag er det askeonsdag. I dag starter den lange faste, der varer i 40 dage fra i dag til påskesøndag. Hvis du nu har talt efter, og er kommet længere end til 40 dage, så har du talt rigtigt. Der er lige den lille finesse, at søndagene ikke tæller med. Søndag er aldrig en fastedag, men en festdag, til minde om Kristi opstandelse netop påskesøndag. Og uden dem er der lige præcis 40 dage til påskesøndag i dag.
     I år tror jeg vi holder det helt enkelt. Ingen slik og lidt mere bøn. Måske finder jeg vores fastekrukke frem. Det er en tom krukke og så en pose tørrede bønner.  Bønnerne, som vi putter i krukken, når vi har undladt at gøre noget dumt eller har gjort noget godt, plejer at blive til jellybeans påskenat. Og som jeg skreve en påskemorgen for længe siden:
     Alle bønnerne i vores krukke er på mirakuløs vis blevet til jelly beans, så nu bliver der gjort mange flere gode gerninger end i fasten, hvor der var tørrede bønner i krukken. Men som et sindbillede på Guds nåde, bliver krukken ved med at være fuld i hele påsketiden.

Måske skriver jeg fastekors ud, så kan man farve et felt om dagen indtil påske. Helt enkelt.

12 kommentarer:

  1. I do like your Lenten cross. ✝️ Peace.

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten that today is Ash Wednesday. I thought it was next week.
    Love your cross.
    Shalom shalom

  3. Hello! Thanks for popping by my blog today and leaving a comment. Wow, you have a lot of blogs, Mother Owl!

    1. Sorry I was a bit short. I realized too late that you were , living in another timezone and I had loads of time instead I just threw you a shortie on my way out of the door.
      I have lots of blogs, yes. Many are dormant, most of the others are dedicated to very specific topics (soapmaking, recipes, stories, gaming ...). This one is my live, all purpose one ;)

  4. Anonymously Esther O'Neill, IWSG, East of the Sun, 0 G, 0 signal !! UK dead zone.
    . Giving up used to be compulsory - not are you giving up anything, but what ? Every Easter, longing for this forbidden pleasure - the terrible shock - A kind of weaning in reverse., even chocolate. This had to stop... By tea-time one Ash Wednesday, I gave up giving up coffee. Seriously though... In an angry world, I'm trying to give up anger. -

    1. Giving up anger is great, I hope you succeed at least some. I have also given up giving up many things these later years ;)
      Now I mostly give up candy (tough) and wasting time on electronic devises (even tougher) giving me more time for prayer and spiritual reading.

  5. A sad story. How interesting that you're the second person today who wanted to be a tree.

    1. I'll have to go and red the other stories. I never do before writing my own - then I cannot write any more.
      I think being a tree is attracting for the longevity and quietude it offers.

  6. I like your Lenten cross and the idea of the bean jar. Quiet contemplation in preparing for the Resurrection is a good thing.

    1. Quiet contemplation is good, This year it's even more needed after the hustle and hury of the past busy months.


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