mandag den 24. marts 2025

Poetry Monday :: Orange :: WordLit

Today I feel tired, sad and spread too thin once again.
Today I have been painting garden tools, weeding, making the hen house ready for its new occupants who will be arriving tomorrow, and taking up my red yarn from the beetroot dye. Pictures to come.

But it is Poetry Monday. The subject is Orange.

First my inspiration: 
Do you think oranges want to become juice?
Or are they pressed into it?

Then my WordLit - Think outside the box-edition.


And yesterday before mass I once again found a suitable car in that very same car park. Now I can expect to see 999 around my 103rd birthday, progress is happening.

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Up and coming:
March 24: Orange
March 31: Turn
April 7: Road
April 14: Bring
April 21: Free
April 28: Jam

8 kommentarer:

  1. I am sorry you are stretched thin - and love your pun about the oranges.

    1. Thank you, I use it as a creensaver now and then.
      Hoping for spring to restore me, but first a wet, cold week ahead.

  2. I never thought about whether oranges want to become juice. Perhaps they'd rather be marmalade.

    1. At least some of them ;) Maybe there too the grass is greener ...

  3. Pressed into it, thank you for the laugh and the fun wordle/poem.

  4. I'm sorry you are feeling sad and tired, Charlotte. Here's to a better day tomorrow. I do love your Orange questions.

    1. Thanks for your well wishes. I hope for brighter tims ahead - for us both.


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