Today I was once again out and about. I was to a meeting - a nice one involving cake and knitting and winding of hanks of yarn for plant dyeing - just after the meeting one of the Owlets phoned me. Could I please get some medicine for him at the pharmacy? Of course I could, just a small detour, can do. Only when I arrived in town, the pharmacy near the station - and bus stops - had changed its hours and was closed less than ten minutes ago. I ran to the other one, further away, as I wanted to catch the next bus back home.
In the car park in front of the far away pharmacy I saw a car with the number 011, but I dared not stop, pull out my camera from my backpack, and get a photo. I hurried on, into the pharmacy, I was second in line, but both customers in front of me had endless problems. I had the pills and paid an exorbitant sum, and pulled out my camera. Checking my watch, I saw that I had time for a photo ... if only the car did not belong to one of the two talkative customers, and had left.
In the car park in front of the far away pharmacy I saw a car with the number 011, but I dared not stop, pull out my camera from my backpack, and get a photo. I hurried on, into the pharmacy, I was second in line, but both customers in front of me had endless problems. I had the pills and paid an exorbitant sum, and pulled out my camera. Checking my watch, I saw that I had time for a photo ... if only the car did not belong to one of the two talkative customers, and had left.
How nice the car was still there after all the time it took. It sounds like one of the days I sometimes have.
SvarSletIt was all in all a nice, but busy day, only marred by the far too many grains of pollen in the air.
SletToo bad about the large amount at the pharmacy,
SvarSletthe same thing happens here,
the medicines should be free (or maybe I didn't understand correctly).
Sometimes the numbers on the plates are laughable!!
Medicines are expensive, yes you go that rigth. We have - not free medicines, but a economical help for medicines on prescription, only not all of thme, and this was one of these, Normally medicines are very cheap, as they well should be. The highest amount you can pay for normal prescription medicines is € 675 a year, which I find OK.
SletNumber plates: I am trying to find all numbers from 001-999 in that order. I've been at it for 8 months, estimated time for 999 is somewhen in 2087 ;D
When you get to 066, let me know! Or do you have to see it in person and take your own picture? I do not like it when stores I rely on suddenly change hours without warning. My pharmacy did that recently, too.
SvarSletI have to see the car in person, but thanks for your readiness to help me out.
SletChanging hours are bad, at least when it's to shorter hours, longer does not bother me so much :) But to remain serious, some warning would have been fine. There was a note on the door, big and bright - Yellow I think. It was not there last I visited (just before the actual change).
Beetroot is a wonderful colour, but maybe the dye will be more purple than red.
SvarSletSo far it's a reddish, tomato-pink, but there's still 2 days left of the steeping, it can change.
SletI have hardly any allergies but beetroot is one. Let me know how the dying worked out. It's always so interesting to see the final product.
That's an allergy I never heard of before - at least they are not easy to hide in anything due to their colour.
SletMore about the dyeing will come, but the hank needs to stwep in the dye bath for 3-4 days.