mandag den 30. oktober 2023

Poetry Monday :: Mischief :: Writers' Block

This time around I'm stealing.

I DID NOT WRITE THIS. But it's so to the point!

 I wonder if there's some kind of doc
For a bad case of writer's block
You make an appointment
He gets you some ointment
And you can get back on the clock.

This witty limerick was written by Dave of Leap of Dave.

I asked then if I could use it. ... He never answered.
It's more than a year ago. So now I just post  it.

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Next Mondays topic: Watermelon

6 kommentarer:

  1. I suspect that such a doctor would have people beating a path to his or her door.

    1. Hehe, yes I think you're rigth. He would be rich too :D

  2. Wouldn't that be great! "Oh no, I have writer's block again. Where's that tube of ointment?"

    1. I'd buy a big tube for sure. It never bothered me before, but the last three or four years, I hvave been suffering. I'd really like this magic ointment.

  3. He wrote a very good one. I hope your writer's block goes the way of the dodo bird, and soon.


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