mandag den 9. oktober 2023

Poetry Monday :: Family

   Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært.
     Nok engang spænder mit helbred ben for mig, nu jeg har det lidt bedre,, er jeg gået i gang med at rydde op i Susans historie.
     Det kom der så følgende lille, korte digt ud af.

-- 🖋 -- 😔 -- ✍ --

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border. And once again stupid health issues makes me stumble. Now that I feel a little better, I have begun re-writing Susan's story. I then made the following, very short almost-rhyme. 

Susan's family.
Mom, dad, and Linda
Granny with magic
And Grandma without
Uncles so mundane
And Aunties so not.
Secrets are hidden
In books and in words
How can I ever
Tell you all I heard?

 - - - - -

And the Prompts for the coming Mondays:
Dictionary . . . . . October 16
Talk Shows . . . . . October 23
Mischief . . . . . October 30
Watermelon . . . . . November 6
Grandma's Kitchen . . . . . November 13
The Bus . . . . . November 20
A Pet's Life . . . . . November 27

8 kommentarer:

  1. I really, really hope that you will continue to tell their stories. I hope even more that your health continues to improve.

    1. Thank you. I cannot stopp sriting - as for health, I'm waiting for results ... as always an eternity.

  2. Love this piece Charlotte. So true of many families.

    1. Yes every family have their bores and fascinating personalities. Thank you.

  3. Good poem describing family differences.

    1. It seems families are the same all over the world ;)

  4. I really like the way you depict Susan's family in this. I'm praying you feel better soon.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.