fredag den 6. oktober 2023

Dansk nyhedsdækning -- Today in the news (Updated)

MotherOwl agonizing that the news about the weather extremes are given lowest priority in the Danish News media.
It is hidden further down than Sports, weepy stories and creepy stories
The petite news item at the bottom tells us: "Global heat records for the fourth month running."

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Ugens fredagsfrustration.
Snagen, sport, tårepersere, personvinklede historier om politikerne -- er det virkelig det, danske seere skal have?

Prøv at læse videre og næsten nederst finder vi: "Global varmerekord for fjerde måned i træk".

Var det mig, der bestemte, fyldte det hele forsiden.

Det her er altså TV2, den mere populariserende af vore to store nyhedskanaler.
Lad os tjekke DR, vores public service-kanal.

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And now to pour public service channel.

Helt hernede. Tak for kaffe.

It's almost all the way down. Going to hell in a handbasket!
The Public service one also hides it away at the bottom: "'It is over the top', expert says about the hottest September ever!"

8 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh. The priorities are much the same here. Sports/celebrities/scandals and way down the end the weather.😒

    1. Sigh. I do not know what is happening. But every single comment I wrote today just disappeared. Here we go again.
      I suspected as much, but I must say it neither eases my mind, nor consoles me. I hope that somewhere a country exist, where news are news and not made to tickle people's curiosity.

  2. They're going to go with what is most popular. It's sad but true.

  3. Our weather comes after the sport which comes after the news too. There isn't much information either, just what the temperature was for the day and what it might be for the next few days. That's enough for me anyway.

    1. Yes and no, it's not the weather as such I'm looking for. I wonder why the news about the weather acting up (global warming) is put there - anonymously, down below.
      The first news item tells us: "Global heat records for the fourth month running."
      And the Public service one: "'It is over the top', expert says about the hottest September ever!"
      Those news need to be written in phosphorescent letters across the top, so that everybody can see, know and react to it.
      But no, we're just entertained with the newest sports failure or success or celeb tragedy while the world is burning, inundated or dry as dust around us.

  4. You're not alone Charlotte in seeing how minimizing the reports are. The hottest year on the planet yet, all due to humans, and it's just a note hidden away when it should be headlined.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.