mandag den 16. oktober 2023

Poetry Monday :: Dictionary

   Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært.
     Nok engang ikke noget på dansk, beklager meget.

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Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

Today's prompt is
Dictionary. I have a faible for dictionaries, and whenever we sat a test on any language in school, I sat reading the dictionary from when I was done with the test until it had to be handed in. We were not allowed to leave before the time was up.

I got the crazy idea to write this poem in the wee hours of the morning. It was funnier then - and I forgot some of the lines when I fell asleep again. I hope you'll find it just a little bit fun.

I love me dictionary have done so since my youth
He tells me lots of things and never not the truth

When ever theres a testing its him I look upon
I look up many words, he is never far from hand.

And when Im true with testing I sit meself and read
Of all the funny words, of their family and breed.

I read of the linguistics, and than the time is up
And I hand in my paper, and gather him all up.

And if you think this poem is not so very fine,
I probably should of used him for this poem-ing of mine.

- - 😁 - -

Next Monday: Talk Shows

13 kommentarer:

  1. Well done Charlotte, you made me smile. I am a word fan and play many games of Scrabble a day to expand my internal dictionary.

    1. Scrabble is fun - I do Wordles and so as well. Big fun.

  2. Definitely smiling. And I am also a BIG fan of dictionaries.

  3. Priceless! Very well done! Yeah, me and my dictionary...we're friends!

  4. I think your poem is very fine. I use my dictionary mostly to check for words that I think are real words but maybe they are just something I made up for a puzzle or something, then I look up strange words I don't know for the Words for Wednesday. Mine is an old school dictionary my daughter had in highschool and tells the meanings but never the history of the words and that's enough for me.

    1. We have an old Webster's which we use often. In my youth it was the Oxford one. And then of course the online version. But they all have linguistics as well - I find it interesting to know from where the word came, and when it was used for the first time.

    2. And this comment was put in spam prison today; proving me wrong. Commenting on comments do not make them "sacred".

  5. Every day I ask Google to define words for me! It is so convenient. Do we consider that using a dictionary? I think you must have been a good student :)

    1. My big passion is languages! I really read the dictionary for fun, still do. And yes, googling and the online dictionaries it draws upon (Google is an AI you know ;) ) sure are dictionaries as well as the printed ones.

  6. I do like it, reading the dictionary can be fun.

    1. Thank you, and yes it can be fun - I like to stumble over new words.


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