lørdag den 7. oktober 2023

Words for Wednesday ~ October 4

Wednesday means Words for Wednesday! I  did not feel like writing - or like most anything this Wednesday. Now I feel a little better, and writing is not an arduous endeavour. So ... I now used the Words. Not in the order they were given, but all of them.

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This challenge started a long time ago, and now it has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

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In October Sean Jeating is supplying the prompts for
Words for Wednesday shown at Elephant's Child's blog.

For this Wednesday we were given:

I continue the story of Susan and the Ghost House.

Susan left the newspaper office behind. Retracing her steps she found Mom still entangled in conversation with that other lady.
"I'll go home now, Mom," Susan said.
Mom smiled at her, nodding towards the grocery bags: "Please take the bags home," and continued listening to the talkative lady.

At home Susan had to put down the bags and go for the spare key in the niche to unlock the door. On the kitchen table was a note from Dad: The friendly farmer, who promised Linda a ride on his horses last winter, phoned shortly after you left. We went there. Be home for dinner.
Susan put the groceries where they belonged and walked up the stairs to the attic. She had to talk to Persephone, the girl ghost living there. She sat down by the small table in the guest room, looking at all the bottles, necklaces, seashells, and beads decorating the room. Mom had declared it a bit over the top, and had told Susan that the decorations would have to be pulled down whenever Granny came visiting. Percy the ghost loved everything shiny, and it was Susan's daily duty to dust or bring fresh flowers or new items to the small room. The newest addition was a glass bubble string. Each bead mirrored the rest, so the the string of glass beads seemed to stretch into infinity when you gazed into it, It mirrored and broke the sunlight making tiny rainbow coloured patters on the white table cloth. She sat lost in the mesmerizing patterns. Suddenly a vaguely human form sat in the chair opposite her.
"Good day, Percy," Susan spoke softly, not wanting to scare the ghost.
"Hello," Percy replied. "Why are you here?"
"Well, to talk with you for a while, and to admire those glass beads."
"They are truly amazing," Percy admitted.
 " Yesterday," Susan began, and then she told the story of them skating, passing quickly to the fire in the Ghost house and Percy's envy of their fun began boiling. She ended up by asking Percy: "Do you know anything of other ghosts, more specifically the ghosts from that house?"
"You want to look behind the veil, now?" Percy asked. "Well let me see. I once heard a story of some gentlemen in a house, and then the wife of one of them ... she did something bad to one of the other gentlemen, and then the husband of that wife did something badder, and they all ended up dead. I could go and see if you tell me where the house is. I do not know the whole story ..."
Susan explained where the house was relative to the skating place and the girl scouts' hut, both places known to Percy as they were also there when she lived. Susan had tried to find out when Percy ad died, but so far only gotten vague answers. Time as a ghost seemed not to be the same as time as a living.
Percy broke her reveries: "I know the house, it is the one I think of. I'll go there soon and tell you what I found out when I return. Do not go there. Those are mostly bad ghosts."
"I promise," Susan said. "Bad ghosts? Are they the ones that killed others?"
"Yup!" Percy said, "And those that go BOOOH! and try to scare you off. Not nice ones like me!"
"No, not like you at all," Susan said trying to keep a straight face. Percy was morose, given to crying bouts, which made things around her shake, fall over or tumble down. Rather scary actually. Susan did not fancy meeting bad ghosts.

10 kommentarer:

  1. I am so glad that you felt better enough to write this post. And continue to be intrigued. More please. Pretty please.

    1. Thank you - I'll try. But I think I've got myself written into a corner here. Some serious re-writing have to happen.

  2. In a time like this, I can see how having such a ghost friend would be convenient.

    1. Yes it is practical. But as I told EC. things are happening before they ought to, and some impossible things as well - Percy in a subsequent chapter tells us that she has forgotten how to leave the house - Sigh.

  3. I like this. Percy sounds like a nice ghost and it's good that she will help Susan find out more about the burning house.

    1. Percy is an nice ghost, but she cannot keep this oprmise if the timeline is not going to burst. I need a real good idea to be able to continue from here.

  4. May you not run out of ideas. ;-)

    1. Thank you for this wish. Rigth now my problem is rather the oppiosite. Too many ideas, too little time and still helath issues.
      I'll be back with more soon.

    2. Get well soon, Charlotte. My good thoughts are with you. ;-)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.