søndag den 31. marts 2013

Vred Uglemor -- MotherOwl is Angry

     Jeg skulle have skrevet en post om de flotte legokonstruktioner, Ugleungerne havde bygget i de forgangne dage. Men! Aftalen var at jeg skulle komme og tage billeder, når de var færdige. Men så her til morgen benyttede en af Ugleungerne (jeg afslører ikke hvilken) sig af min åndsfraværelse når jeg læser, til at låne kameraet og tage billeder med. På vej ned ad trappen gjorde han noget som han mindst 1.000 gange har fået at vide, at han ikke skal gøre. Nemlig svinge rundt med ting med snor i. Denne gang røg kameraet ind i væggen og virker nu ikke længere, lukkeren er gået i udu, og det er åbenbart nok til at lægge det hele ned. Grrr. Arrig Uglemor. Oven i købet var alle de billeder, han tog, rystede eller uskarpe.

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This should have been a post showing off the great Lego constructions that the Owlets have built in the last few days. But alas. The deal was: You build, I take the photos. But this morning one of the Owlets (No, he will not be named) abused MotherOwl's distraction while reading and took the camera to take some pictures himself. On the way down, he did something which have earlier earned him a telling off more than once. Twirling around things on a string. This time the camera - still in on mode of course - impacted the wall and utterly destroyed the shutter mechanics. It is a lost cause. And each and every picture he took is shaken and unfocused. Grrr. One angry MotherOwl.
Arrig UgleMor  --  Angry MotherOwl

5 kommentarer:

  1. Det var godt nok pokkers ærgerligt. Jeg havde sikkert også set sådan ud..... Eller kastet med hajer (vi har lige set den nok mest tåbelige film nogensinde om at dumpe en neurotisk kæreste)

    1. Kaste med hajer. Haha, nej sådan nogle har jeg ikke lige ved hånden. Jeg håber at vi finder et nyt, brugt snart. Jeg kan slet ikke leve uden ;)

  2. Uglemor,

    I am so sorry to hear about your camera. You will miss it! I will miss your photos too though I love your drawings too. That angry owl is wonderful!

    1. I will miss my camera, I AM missing it. Hopefully we have found a new, used one in the papers. My husband calls the camera "Yor life" and he is not totally wrong. So much fun has been happening without me making pictures of it. But I have a million old ones.
      I'm sorry to mislead you. I did not draw that wonderful, angry owl. I stole it from a folder on arragements n the woods, one of them being owl watching.

    2. Uglemor,

      I wonder what we ever did before we had digital cameras? Our children have no idea about how expensive photography used to be. Now we take photos of EVERYTHING! So glad to hear you've getting a new-to-you camera.

      The owl is a lovely addition to your post even if you didn't draw it.

      God bless!


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