onsdag den 6. marts 2013

Strikkeonsdag -- Yarn along

Hjælp det er allerede onsdag igen. Uglemor har haft travlt med at opfinde flettemetoder til firkantflet, og ikke fået strikket så meget. Spirillens strømper blev færdige i forgårs, og et par omgange på Minimax' strømper er det da blevet til.
Musemåtten fortæller om hvad jeg læser lige nu ;)
I dag var Uglemor og de tre mindste Ugleunger i skoven. Det var lunt og forårsagtigt, men stien var nogle steder fuld af is. Dog ikke mere end at det vil være muligt for Skribenten at cykle på stierne i morgen. Det var en af de ting, vi ville se. Ugleungerne ville også se om hobbittræet stadig var der. Det var heldigvis på sin plads, der er blevet fældet en del i skoven i vinters. Det kan Ugleungerne godt lide, for så kan de klare på stammerne.

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Oh, Wednesday already. MotherOwl has not been knitting a lot. Candy wrapper basket weaving has happened instead, but Monday saw the casting off of Marsupilami's socks. Blue socks for a sweet boy. And a few rounds on Minimax' socks has been knit as well.

The mouse pad tells what I'm reading rigth now ;)

Today MotherOwl and the 3 smallest Owlets visited the woods again. We wanted to see if it was safe for the Writer to go by bike on the icy paths through the wood, it was. With care it will be possible to bike there. And we wanted to see if our Hobbit tree was still there, it was, and just as fun as the other times. That tree and surroundings is our favourite place in the woods.


  • Hvorfor skal Ugleungerne altid vende ryggen til. De var alt for travls optaget af at grave guld under stubben til at se op på Uglemor. 
  • Those Owlets, always turning their back. They were busy digging up some gold from below the Hobbit tree
  • Det mest tilisede stykke af stien. Det var glat!
  • The worst part of the path. MotherOwl felt like Bambi on the ice ;)
 Link til Strikkeonsdag  --  Yarn-along  --  Link to Yarn Along

2 kommentarer:

  1. love those blue socks. which pattern are using for the toe up socks.

    1. Thanks. It was the boy himself who choose the colours, and I'm satisfied as well. Blue is a favourite of mine.
      I'm using http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/lifestyle-toe-up-socks---no-swatch-needed - and of course modified a bit. I'm not known for keeping to the patterns for long. It was so easy. I had no experience in knitting socks, except from one pair in school as part of the curriculum (too many years ago) , and I had no problems following this pattern, even though it is in English and I had to look up all the abbreviations ;)


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