dag klokken 12 (undtagen søndag) kommer dagens A-Z indlæg, hvis der altså kommer et.
Temaet for i år er Resilience som teamet har valgt, og jeg har valgt undertemaet Blomster, træer og forfædre, så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.
Every day at noon (except Sundays) a new A-Z post goes live - or no post today.
The theme for this year is Resilience as given by the team, with my subtitle Flowers, Trees and Ancestors.
Lille Rasmus Madsen er særlig interessant fordi han voksede op og blev Johanne Kirstines ægtemand. Han blev født i Knudsby den 28. januar 1799.
Mads blev konfirmeret lige inden den nye, fine kirkebog blev taget i brug, og før det opførte præsten i Vordingborg ikke konfirmationer i kirkebogen. Men han blev nok konfirmeret i 1813.
Da han kom ud og tjene, tog han først til Sværdborg, og så i 1824 derfra til Køng, hvor han giftede sig med Johanne Kirstine.
In the 1801 census I can find those two, their youngest child, little Rasmus, who was born in Knudsby on 28 January 1799, and four of his older siblings. Maybe this is all the children they had, because I have not been able to find any more.
Little Rasmus Madsen is particularly interesting because he grew up and married Johanne Kirstine.
Mads was confirmed just before the new, fine church registers was put into use, and the vicar in Vordingborg did not record confirmations in the church registers. But he was probably confirmed in 1813.
When he left home as a farmhand, he first went to Sværdborg, and then in 1824 from there to Køng, where he married Johanne Kirstine.
Den indscannede folketælling. Hvor vi kan se lille Rasmus i den røde kasse ca. midt på siden. Han er yngste barn i den 31. familie i Knudsby. Der var i alt 141 personer i Knudsby
Temaet for i år er Resilience som teamet har valgt, og jeg har valgt undertemaet Blomster, træer og forfædre, så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.
A - Z
Every day at noon (except Sundays) a new A-Z post goes live - or no post today.
The theme for this year is Resilience as given by the team, with my subtitle Flowers, Trees and Ancestors.
M for Mads i Knudsby
Knudsby ligger ved roden af Knudshoved (se kortet nederst). I Knudsby boede omkring århundredeskiftet 1700-1800 34 familier. En af dem er af særlig interesse for mig. Manden i huset var Mads Andresen født ca.1759, husmand og daglejer og konen i huset var Else Larsdatter
født ca. 1760. I folketællingen 1801 kan jeg finde mor, far, lille Rasmus og fire af hans søskende. måske er det alle de børn, de fik, for jeg har ikke kunnet finde flere. Lille Rasmus Madsen er særlig interessant fordi han voksede op og blev Johanne Kirstines ægtemand. Han blev født i Knudsby den 28. januar 1799.
Mads blev konfirmeret lige inden den nye, fine kirkebog blev taget i brug, og før det opførte præsten i Vordingborg ikke konfirmationer i kirkebogen. Men han blev nok konfirmeret i 1813.
Da han kom ud og tjene, tog han først til Sværdborg, og så i 1824 derfra til Køng, hvor han giftede sig med Johanne Kirstine.
M for Mads of Knudsby
Knudsby is located at the base of the peninsula Knudshoved. (See the map below). Around the turn of the 19th century, 34 families lived in Knudsby. One of them is of particular interest to me. The family in question was Mads Andresen born around 1759, smallholder and day labourer, and Else Larsdatter born around 1760.In the 1801 census I can find those two, their youngest child, little Rasmus, who was born in Knudsby on 28 January 1799, and four of his older siblings. Maybe this is all the children they had, because I have not been able to find any more.
Little Rasmus Madsen is particularly interesting because he grew up and married Johanne Kirstine.
Mads was confirmed just before the new, fine church registers was put into use, and the vicar in Vordingborg did not record confirmations in the church registers. But he was probably confirmed in 1813.
When he left home as a farmhand, he first went to Sværdborg, and then in 1824 from there to Køng, where he married Johanne Kirstine.
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A scan of the last page of the 1801 census for Knudsby. Little Rasmus in the red box is the youngest child in family number 31. Knudsby comprised 141 persons in 1801.
Nederst Knudsby uden navn i cirklen. M står også for Mangler
Hvis jeg leder videre efter hans forældre: Mads Andresen født ca.1759, husmand og daglejer og hustru Else Larsdatter
født ca. 1760, støder jeg ind i manglende kirkebøger.
Vordingborg sogns kirkebøger for årene ca. 1756 til 1781 er blevet væk.
Og det er lige præcis de år, hvor Rasmus' forældre blev født. Så her
kommer jeg ikke længere tilbage uden et stort arbejde, som jeg ikke er
parat til.M is also for Missing
When I look for his parents: Mads Andresen born ca.1759, smallholder and day labourer and wife Else Larsdatter born ca. 1760, I end up stumped by missing records. The church registers of Vordingborg parish for the years ca. 1756 to 1781 are missing - no one knows why. And these are exactly the volumes covering the birth of Rasmus' parents. So I can't go back any further without a lot of work, which I am not prepared to do.Knudsby is bottommost with no name in the red ring.
I am super impressed at the work you have already put into this project, without adding more.
SvarSletThank you, but I will add more.
SletMissing records must be the most frustrating part of research.
SvarSletIt is - most in places like here wher one missing register in a long row blocks me from progressing further back.
SletToo bad about the missing records. I tried to find those places in my fifty years old huge atlas which even has the tiny town I was born in, but your places must be tinier because I can't find Knudsby at all. Not even in the index. I did find a Svaerdborg.
SvarSletSværdborg is spot on, well dom´ne. Knudsby is not a town any longer, only five houses along a road, no wonder it is not in your atlas.