søndag den 23. januar 2022

Sunday Selection -- From the Beach

Photos from summers long past. Mostly to show River how my crabs look.

And a new one. The prompt for yesterdays Simple Daily Drawing was Australian. Does this look Australian to you?

5 kommentarer:

  1. It does look Australian, probably in our winter because of the greenery.
    The carb shells are lovely, I like the different colours and patterns and that tiny one on your fingers is so cute. I remember tiny ones like that at the beach I grew up on. In Adelaide now there aren't crabs on the beaches, only empty shells wash up. The live ones get caught by the fishermen and are taken home to be dinner I suppose.

    1. Australia in the winter, not now I used my memories of Protugal and Africa, and combined with the kangaroo warning sign - Maybe because of ECs kangaroo fixes, I cant think Australia without thinking Kangaroo ;)
      I'm sorry to hear of your missing crabs, as you can see from the one Minimax is holden ours are still alive and pinching. But we do not eat them.

  2. Oh, how beautiful. I adore crabs, and always poke around rock pools on my (too rare) trips to the beach hoping to see them. That tiny one on your hand is enchanting.
    And echoing River about that Australian scene. Some part of Oz close to the ocean do stay green all year round but for most of us summer reflects the colours in the foreground.

    1. I love crabs too, we fish for them in the stony areas - only to set them free again before leaving the beach.
      It migth be close to the ocean, living in Denmark, proximity to ocean is as natural as breathing. According to the all-knowing www. no place in Demark is further from the ocean than 52 km.

  3. The ghost crabs at the beach we go to can be that small and that big, too. The children loved to catch and release them.

    Those are very pretty, and your picture looks like what i imagine Australia to be.


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