fredag den 3. december 2021

Sne, haveuglen og vafler.

Snow, GardenOwl and Waffles

Endelig lykkedes det Haveuglen at opleve snevejr. Men nu er han båret væk. Han tåler nemlig ikke frost særligt godt.

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Finally GardenOwl experienced snow. He is now put away, as frost is conming.

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     Den 1. december sneede det - meget passende for den første vinterdag. TIl vores store glæde var jorden helt dækket af sne. Det betyder snevafler. .
     Så Uglemor producerede et veritabelt bjerg af opvask, helt præcist en gryde, to spiseskeer, en gaffel, en kniv, tre skåle, en dejskraber, en bagepensel, to piskeris, to decilitermål og to vaffeljern.
     Og så bagte Uglemor selvfølgelig en masse snevafler. Det lykkedes oven i købet at bage den næsten perfekte snevaffel! Der manglede kun en lille bid.

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  December 1st is the first day of winter. To prove this we had snow. Not much, but enough to cover the ground, which made us all mile in anticipation, as this means snow waffles!
   Thus MotherOwl produced a veritable mountain of dirty plates and cutlery. To be exact: one pot, two tablespoons, one fork, one knife, three bowls, one spatula, one basting brush, two whisks, two measuring cups, and two waffle irons.  By using all this MotherOwl made a lot of waffles, enough for all the inhabitants of the Owlery. She even produced an almost perfect waffle.  Only a tiny bit was missing.

Og her er opskriften:

190 g mel
5 spsk sukker
8 spsk hvidtøl
4 æg
175 g smør
1½ dl piskefløde
     Rør mel, sukker, æggeblommer og øl sammen - det bliver tykt. Smelt smørret og bland det i. Pisk fløden. Rør flødeskummet i dejen. Varm vaffeljernet op, og pensl det med lidt smør. Pisk hviderne stive. Når vaffeljernet er varmt vendes æggehviderne i dejen. Vend jernet og hæld knapt en dl dej ad gangen på midten af jernet, vend det efter ca to minutter, og vend igen inden næste portion kommer i. Der bliver 10-12 vafler af denne portion.
     Serveres rygende varme med syltetøj, æblemos, kanelsukker eller ahornsirup efter smag.

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And the recipe:

190 g flour
5 tbsp sugar
8 tbsp malt beer
4 eggs
175 g butter
1½ dl whipping cream
     Mix the flour, sugar, egg yolks and beer together - it will be thick. Melt the butter and mix it in. Whip the cream. Stir the whipped cream into the dough. Heat the waffle iron(s) and brush with a little butter. Beat the whites until stiff. When the waffle iron is hot, fold the egg whites into the batter. Turn the iron over and pour just under 1 dl of batter at a time onto the centre of the iron, turning it after about two minutes, and turning again before putting in the next batch. This will make 10-12 waffles.
     Serve piping hot with jam, applesauce, cinnamon & sugar or maple syrup to taste.

Den allersidste vaffel er altid Uglemors! Nam-nam.

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The very last waffle is always eaten by MotherOwl - Yummy.

12 kommentarer:

  1. That waffle recipe looks interesting (and they all look beautiful to me).

    1. Thank you. It's not difficult to make, only a bit slow and extremely messy. But it's so worthit. They taste wonderful. Now all the snow has melted, and we can hope for a new snowfall and more waffles :)

  2. They do look good - and I love the waffle wings.
    December 1 was when we 'celebrated' the first day of summer. It is warming up fast now. Thanks to the rain (which I welcome) it is also humid (which I don't welcome).

    1. Waffle wing - nicely spotted! They taste wonderful, I wish I could attact some to an email for you.
      Oh, and I always forget the opposite seasons. I love summer, but I suspect that your summers would be a bit too hot for even a summer-loving owl. Humid is not pleasant. I do celebrate the first day of Summer and autumn and spring and winter and .. what I do not celebrate is wet, murky, dreary, cloudy humid late autumn (my November) days. I like weather - not the lack of it ;D

  3. Those look so delicious. What a good way to celebrate a snowfall!

  4. Waffles are fun to make and eat, even if not so fun to clean up after.

    Thank you for the head's up about the repeated birthday, i thought i'd corrected that last year, but somehow it snuck back in.

    The song i posted is a silly one about a town not far from New Orleans called Destrehan, i can imagine to someone not familiar with the area it would sound a lot like gibberish.

    O Little Town of Destrehan
    You're still just about 3 miles
    From end to end where I-310
    Has large and small reptiles.
    Yet way out on the interstate
    There's everlasting light
    It's gas they blow from Shell Norco
    You see it every night.

    I-310 is Interstate 310, a major highway, and Shell Oil has a plant at Norco, another small town in the area. They really are out in the swamps, even more than we are. It would be like you writing about your small towns and setting it to music, noting things that are unique to your area, people from elsewhere probably wouldn't understand all the local humor.

    1. Oh thanks, yes I see. Not gibberish, only lots of local words and places. Aa bit like my poem on Gurre, only it's not a funny verse.

  5. I tried a waffle once and I didn't like it, not sure why, maybe because it was a packet mix with just water added. I never tried again. I don't have a waffle maker anyway. I prefer pancakes.

    1. I don't like waffles from packet mix either, so maybe that's it. I like pancakes as well - homemade, thin ones. I never tried making thick pancakes, and those I had, and did not like was from a box ;)
      A waffle maker is a neccesity, though. I have two old fashioned ones that I heat on the stove.

  6. The owl in the snow looks comfortable. I'm not ready for snow but I think it's coming soon to my part of the world.

    I haven't had waffles in ages. That five-hearts waffles is super cute. It also reminds me of a five-leaf clover.

    Have a lovely day.

  7. Smart trick til at minimere vaffel-indtag - vi må kun få dem når det sner! (Hvad gjorde du det år vi havde frost fra oktober til april?) ;-)

    1. Ahr, men det er jo kun når jorden dækkes af NY sne. Så i dag for eksempel skulle vi have haft snevafler :) Men vi fejrer fødselsdag, så de bliver udsat.


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