onsdag den 1. december 2021

Words for Wednesday -- 1 December

  Please! all reading this go to Elephant's Child's place to find the prompts, read some good stories, and be inspired to write your own.
  This is a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.

The prompts we were given are these words. The embellishments in brackets are my own.

   Thread    (the spell thread they need OR the one Susan repairs with)
    Butterflies    (dancing in the air over ???)
    Unsuitable    (Who / what is)
    Sea          (Omnipresent at UF)
    Shattered    (at the news)


    Press        (They want in - news)
    Eyelids    (heavy with lack of sleep)
    Spaghetti    (all the Nisser could cook)
    Cardboard    (Box with ?? in it made of C)
    Dumped    (Who dumped what in the lake - a solution in a cardboard box?)

Well I ended up almost using no words, only say and standing. But as you can see I'm not lacking ideas of what to write. This is a re-work of a post from over 3 years ago. I fervently home your memory is not that good :D
  It's a continuation of  this re-write.

In the evening Susan accompanied Heidi home. When they entered the house, Lis and Tage were already in the kitchen with Sandra, their mother. Lis was in the middle of a long explanation: "We spoke to Professor Kuusisaari, the brother, this morning and told him about our suspicions about David. You may know that we've been keeping an eye on him for a while. On the way to school we saw him leaning against a tree, and then suddenly he waved his wand and disappeared."
"Disappeared?" Sandra said, "maybe he just walked off? He can't just disappear, can he, and the path is twisted and full of trees and hedges."
"No, Mum," Tue came to her aid. "We were... hiding in the park by the old sugar factory. We were spying on him."
Sandra lifted her head.
"Yes, I know it's not nice to spy on people, but he's so devious." Tage tried to make Sandra listen. "And he stood out against the tree .. and then he waved his wand and disappeared!"

"Professor Kuusisaari, he made exactly the same movements with the wand when he teleported away after we talked to him," Susan said. When Sandra still didn't react, Susan lost her patience: "It's just that we don't think the professor believed us." Susan spoke quickly and indignantly. For once, she forgot her good manners and almost yelled at her best friend's mother. But now Sandra was actually listening to what Susan was saying, and Heidi pulled a large note out of her bag: "We know as well as you do that teleporting is only for those who have passed their exams. David, like Susan and me, isn't allowed to try until August." She pointed to the date written in big, red, reassuring letters on the note. Lis and Tage are due earlier, because they are older. Look."
    Heidi's mother felt exhausted. How many times had she warned Heidi, not to mention Lis and Tage, the unruly twins, about the dangers of teleporting before being cleared. The risk of something going wrong was always lurking, and not a possibility a mother liked to think about. "Do you want me to talk to Taavi?" She asked.
    "No, Mom!" Tage replied in a calmer tone. "I don't think it will do any good, he obviously didn't believe us, and I'm sure David has a good explanation as always. We need to catch him in something more serious, something we can prove, before any of the professors will believe us."
    "You're probably right," Sandra said. "And it probably won't do any good for me to come and say you're right, either. After all, I can't prove anything either. I can, however, predict that if Lis and Tage don't get the table set in a hurry, they'll be in trouble with dad. He's on his way home!"

11 kommentarer:

  1. I am always pleased to read/reread more of Susan's story - and love that you continue to work on it.

    1. Thank you so much for your never failing support!

  2. As usual, i am glad to read Susan's story, with or without any of the prompt words.

    1. Thanks, fewer prompts per installment means more installments ;) I hope

  3. Susan's story must be almost a book by now. I like how you can keep writing about her. I started a story with a Tom and can't get going on it again. Maybe one day.

    1. Yes it's almost a book, or rather two by now. I hope eventually to publish it. In Danish, sorry.
      And I hope you'll revive Tom.

    2. A real book(s) - that sounds exciting.
      I love the ending of this story - suddenly very down to normal life :-)

  4. Clever ending of this episode. ;-)

  5. Kuusisaari - no idea how to pronounce this name but I like the way it was spelled.

    Good use of the prompts even if it's just two words. I think you can use even just one prompt and it's fine.

    Have a lovely day.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.