onsdag den 23. september 2015

Vejen hjem -- 34 -- On my Way Home

  Dagene bli'r korte, himlen er så blå.
Når det altså ikke lige regner.
Mange flotte farver man kan kigge på
nå man sidder indenfor og tegner
    Det er der ikke mange der forstår,
     men jeg kan godt li' efterår.

Days are getting shorter, skies are clear and blue.
If the rain could just refrain from raining.
All the pretty colours, ours to look upon
Through the window when we sit here drawing.
     Many people do not understand,
     But I like Autumn after all.

I dag var så en af de sage, hvor det regnede. Men der er stadig mange flotte farver at kigge på .

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Today was one of the rainy days, but thtere's still many colours to look at.

Det fugtige vejr de sidste par dage har virkelig fået marken til at spire.

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The hot and humid autumn weather makes for good growing.

Solopgang/solnedgang: 6:56/19:09, dagens længde 12:13, aftaget 5:21

3 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    "The hot and humid autumn weather..." Even though the rain is falling, it sounds like you are having mild temperatures at the moment. Can I see the first of the autumn leaves in the top photo? I love autumn. It's just a pity it's followed by winter!

    1. My sentiments excatly. Autumn is such a lovely season, only a pity it is spoiled by Christmas things (beginning at october 10th) and winter's arrival. It's still mild, yes, and raining in the night with sunshiny days. A great combo for mushrooms. We love mushrooms. Now your spirng is almost turning into summer I imagine.

  2. Uglemor,

    Unfortunately, our spring has turned back into winter! We had a perfect week for my son's wedding and my daughter's visit, then the temperature plummetted and now it's cold and wet. I'm not complaining because I know the heat of summer will arrive too soon and we'll be in bushfire season.

    btw, we love mushrooms too!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.