Afsted til tandlægen. Zeppelinerens vinduer var overtrukket med et tyndt lag is, så Uglemor måtte skrabe. Jo tættere vi kom på byen, jo tykkere lå rimen på markerne. Vores have - og ikke mindst Ugleboets vinterforråd af æbler -var blevet reddet af havet, som vi bor kun 5 kilometer fra.
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Yesterday evening a lot of things happened in the Owlery, and when it rains, it pours. The Writer and MotherOwl both forgot about old duvets for apples. This morning when MotherOwl woke up, it was too dark to see anything outside. After much noise, searching for luncboxes and bus tickets, the 3 big Owlets took off. The Pirate had an appointment at the dentist, so he and MotherOwl had a little more time until departure. Now the Sun was shining, MotherOwl ran upstairs and looked out. The squash plants were all still standing, phew, no frost tonight. Then her view fell at the fields further away, they were powdered in white in the hollows.
Off to the dentist's.The windows of our Zeppelin were iced and needed a scraping before departure. And as we neared the big city, the fields were all white where the Sun had not yet touched them. Our garden and not least our whole winter's worth of apples were saved by the Owlery's being situated near the water.
Alle Ugleboets indbyggere elsker vinter og håber på sådan noget her -- bare ikke endnnu, tak!
The inhabitants of the Owlery all love winter and are hoping for this -- not just yet!
Piraten morer sig i sneen -- The Pirate having fun in the snow. |
Dejligt i blev reddet på målstregen. Der er nu også noget magisk over den første rimfrost, der følger jo ofte en skøn efterårsdag i kølvandet på sådan en omgang rim.
SvarSletIh, hvor har du ret, Dorthe. Jeg har faktisk tilbragt en fornøjelig tid i haven med mit kamera. Netop for at indfange den helt særlige, sprøde efterårsfornemmelse.