søndag den 6. oktober 2024

Sunday Selection & Colour of the Month

Ikke meget tekst - kun to billeder
Not much text - and just two photos

Hvid raps, glimmerbøsserne kan ikke se de hvide blomster.
White canola, the pests can't see the white flowers.
With a small effort it can be seen as Pebble grey - the Colour of October.

Ravgul slørhat (Cortinarius tofaceus) Amber-hued webcap
The name is my invention; as this mushroom seems to have no English name I translated the Danish one, it fits, I think.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Lovely - and an excellent photo of the 'shroom.

    1. Thanks - in Danish it's called a dye fungus or maybe a coloured fungus, I'm going to test it.

  2. Nice photos, and I'll try to remember to look for Pebble Grey.

  3. My pests have eaten the leaves off my new marigold seedlings, I have never bought beer in my life but I'm thinking of getting some to put in the garden so the slugs and snails can drown in it.

    1. Yuck! I only buy beer for slugs - cheapest is best here ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.