tirsdag den 1. oktober 2024


Today is October 1st. Today InkTober begins. I know I said that I was tired of them, and that they should please post their InkTober52 prompts before I considered doing it again. But ... writing and drawing and knitting are three ways for me to keep my sainty sometimes. I have found a new Facebook group, 365 days of drawing prompts". but well Facebook and me are not the best of friends either.
With this post at least I a
m going to post the InkTober prompts, then maybe I'll draw some of them, maybe only one or two, maybe even none. But at least I did something ;)

As I cannot read white on black, I inverted the colour sceme.

We're still trying to find our legs after the loss of granddad. The burial will happen Friday, and Sunday friends and family will all have left us again. Then I hope to slowly find my way back.
    I dag er det den første oktober, og altså den første dag af InkTober-udfordringen. Jeg ved godt, at jeg fortalte at jeg var træt af dem, og at de værsågod skulle slå deres InkTober52 stikord for de seneste par år op, før jeg gad have noget med dem at gøre igen.
    Men  ... det at skrive, tegne og strikke gør underværker for mit mentale helbred, og godt nok har jeg fundet en ny udfordring, nemlig "365 days of drawing prompts" på Facebook - de minder meget om mit elskede Simple Daily Drawing som det var - men altså jeg er ikke god til Facebook.
     Sp i det mindste kommer stikordene her, måske tegner jeg nogle af dem, måske et par stykker, måske flere, måske slet ingen. Men nu har jeg da i det mindste gjort noget.
     Og eftersom jeg ikke kan læse hvidt på sort, har jeg inverteret farverne.

Vi er stadig i gang med at finde vores ben efter tabet af farfar. Begravelsen er på fredag, og efter at familie og venner igen er taget hjem søndag, sker der nok lidt mere.

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Inktober rules:

1) Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want).

2) Post it *

3) Hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober2024

4) Repeat

Note: you can do it daily, or go the half-marathon route and post every other day, or just do the 5K and post once a week. What ever you decide, just be consistent with it. Inktober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits, so the more you’re consistent the better.

That's it! Now go make something beautiful.

*Post it on any social media account you want or just post it on your refrigerator. The point is to share your art with someone.

- If I do, the drawings will be marked as Completed and posted (at a later date perhaps) on my dedicated drawing blog

3 kommentarer:

  1. I love that you know several things that are good for your mental health - something to definitely hang on to.
    Hugs for you all at this sad time.

  2. Hugs to you. I hope you get time to draw, just for the love of doing it.

  3. A drawing in ink? That's not for me. I can't draw well anyway and a pot of ink on the table would be an invitation to Lola to leap around until it spills.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.