tirsdag den 15. oktober 2024

Hættemåger, krige og ferskner

Black-headed gulls, War and Peaches (English further down)

For mange år siden stod der noget graffiti på et plankeværk, når man tog S-toget til København. Jeg husker det som om der stod:
Hættemågerne letter på hætterne.
Alle siger nej til hættemågerne.
Men måske husker jeg forkert, måske har kunstneren været skuffet eller måske skrev han bare sit eget vers ligesom mig. Ved en søgning på nettet fandt jeg et vers fra en protestsang kaldet "Raketskimarch", hvor der står:
Hættemågerne løfter på hætterne
Alle fugle siger nej lissom spætterne
Den er ikke go'
med Pershing to
Nej, må vi
så bli' fri! (Raketskimarsh Anker Schjerning 1981/82)
Måske var det bare en graffitimaler der tog sin kunstneriske frihed alvorligt, for på den anden side af banen stod der (stadig - hvis jeg ikke husker forkert):
Lots of peaches for you
Lots of peaches for me
Lots of peaches for free
Og det er jeg ret sikker på skulle have været et citat fra "Peaches" af The Presidents of the United States of America, og lydt: 
Millions of peaches, peaches for me
Millions of peaches, peaches for free
Millions of peaches, peaches for me
Millions of peaches, peaches for free
Det var forhistorien. Forleden kørte jeg forbi det stakit igen, og kom i tanke om det mere end halvglemte hættemåge-vers. Så faldt der mig et efterårs-haiku ind til det tema. Det er hverken for eller mod atomkraft, Perching 2 raketter, krigen i Gaza eller noget som helst andet. Der er bare.

Letter blot på hætterne.
Svaler flyver bort.

Det her er måske hættemåger -- This might black-headed gulls.

Black-headed gulls, War and Peaches

Many years ago I saw some graffiti written on a fence I passed when riding the S-train to Copenhagen. I remember it as if it said:
The black-headed gulls are taking off their hoods.
Everyone says no to the black-headed gulls.
But maybe I'm not remembering correctly, or maybe the artist was disappointed or wrote his own. Because I found a verse from a protest song called "Raketskimarch", which reads:
The black-headed gulls lift their hoods
All birds say no like the woodpeckers:
There's something wrong
With Pershing two
So please let's
just drop it! (Raketskimarch Anker Schjerning 1981/82)
Maybe it was just a graffiti artist taking his artistic freedom seriously, because on the other side of the train track was another wall with some graffiti that said (my memory may still fail me):
Lots of peaches for you
Lots of peaches for me
Lots of peaches for free
And I'm pretty sure that should have been a quote from Peaches by The Presidents of the United States of America:
Millions of peaches, peaches for me
Millions of peaches, peaches for free
Millions of peaches, peaches for me
Millions of peaches, peaches for free.

That was the backstory. The other day I rode an S-train past that fence again, and remembered the more than half-forgotten black-headed gull verse. Then I thought up an autumn haiku along the same lines.
It's neither for nor against nuclear power, Pershing two rockets, the war in Gaza or anything else. It just is.

Awaiting winter
The gulls take off their brown hoods.
Swallows fly away.

9 kommentarer:

  1. Sometimes inspiration comes from the most interesting places, doesn't it.

  2. Does this mean the head feathers on gulls change colour?

    1. Yes, in the cold months, the cap is just a black/brown dot behind the eyes of the gulls ;)

    2. You can see them with and without brown "hoods" her on Wikipedia

    3. That's quite a change. I've never seen hooded gulls anyway and would have thought they were a different bird.

    4. They migth be a scandinavian occurrence - I 'always' knew this ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.