torsdag den 31. oktober 2024
Colour of the Month ~ November
Isn't this just a wonderful name for a colour?I just hae to find something of this exact colour for this Sunday.
onsdag den 30. oktober 2024
Words for Wednesday ~The Words and Wordle
The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for September are provided by Sean Jeating and can be found @ Elephant's Child.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
The Words for today are:
I have been away for much of today, and I really like the Words - I want to use them for a chapter in Susan's story so no story today, I hope to have better time for writing later. But I am going to use a few of the Words for some fun. I'll probably re-use them for the Susan-story.
Today I solved the Wordle. I felt not proud and very proud at the same time.
Not proud because I used five guesses, and in later guesses I used letters, I knew were not in the word, and I put some letters where I knew they were not supposed to go.
It looked like this:
But I was very proud that I knew the word that is today's solution. I learned it years and years ago, and it is in no way similar to its Danish counterpart and it is not a word I use every day either.
Looking at today's Word it hit me that those of them containing five letters (Hazel - Rapid - White) could be a credible way of solving today's Wordle. I added Words as well, but could have done without.
Again, if you intend to solve today's Wordle, and you still can do so in your timezone, scroll down no further.
This might be a mock-up, but the solution is the right one.
tirsdag den 29. oktober 2024
Showing my Ecodye ~ PlantePrint-resultater
First a reprise of the as yet un-steamed piece of fabric with all the plants.
(ahorn=maple, tørstetræ=frangula, jordbær=strawberry, eg=oak, vedbend=ivy)
Then the results - the red tinge comes from a dye blanket containing a weak madder-solution.
And the first one I dyed. Here the blanket was dipped in chestnut dye first.
Many of the prints are good. I'm most happy with the strawberries (1), maple (2), and frangula (3). The artichoke (4) did quite well also, but fig, oak and fern were all disappointing. I blame this on the iron contents of the mordant.
My goal is clear, crisp prints on a white background, so a blanket, dipped only in water (maybe some tiny amount of alum) but no more iron, neither as mordant nor as assist. Iron is a saddening substance, that makes the black / grey / dark brown colours stand out.
Both these fabrics were pre-mordanted in alum, iron and lime.
I am going to experiment with a form of aluminium salt suitable for cellulose-based fibres (non-protein / non-animal fibres) like cotton, linen and flax - it can be used for paper as well, and I found some old, very nice paper, so ... fun will happen I hope .. that is if the frost won't arrive first, as I need fresh leaves for EcoPrinting.
Lidt på dansk
De to planteprintede stykker er fine, men jeg er ikke tilfreds. Her er lidt overvejelser:
Normalt er det kun bagsiden af bladene, der giver de der sorte "knopper" men her har jeg også fået dem, fra bregner, eg og andre blade, selv om jeg vendte den oversiden mod stoffet.
Så jeg kiggede i bøger og på nettet, og fandt ud af, at det er jernet i bejdsen, der giver de der sorte "knopper" både fra bregner og andre blade. Jeg fandt denne engelske side, ( hvor man kan se forskellige bejdser og medløbere, og syntes, at aluminiumacetat så dejligt ud.
Jeg opdagede så - ved at søge efter stoffet - at min "guru", Astrid fra Midgaards have, også bruger aluminiumacetat til at bejdse vegetabilske fibre til PlantePrint, og det ser ud som en meget enklere proces end dender er brugt her. Måske endda med et bedre resultat.
Altså, jeg vil gerne finde ud af at fremstille stoffer med lys baggrund og klare farver, altså helt uden jern eller andre metaller eller farve i suppen, så "dirty pot" er ikke lige mig.
I oprydningen har jeg også fundet en pakke meget stærkt og smidigt papir, så det vil jeg også forsøge mig med.
mandag den 28. oktober 2024
Poetry Monday :: Small
Today's topic is Small, and ... well sorry, this is almost only half a poem:
A poem this small
is better than none at all.
- - - - - - - -
Up next:
Beating Around the Bush, November 4
Wild Goose Chase, November 11
Jumping the Gun, November 18
Cry Wolf, November 25
Sunday Selection ~ Søndagsbilleder
and moons ~ og måner
This is the latest experiment - Ecodyeing again. This time in the local crafting gulid under the tutelage of a more experienced dyer. This is the outset. The pre-mordante fabric was covered with a dye blanket (madder) and firmly rolled onto a rolled-up tovel and steamed for 1½ hours. The result was good, but not fanstastic, photo will follow.
(ahorn=acer, tørstetræ=frangula, jordbær=strawberry, eg=oak, vedbend=ivy)
Og det seneste eksperiment. PlantePrint uder vingerne af en mere erfaten farver. Det bejdsede stof blev dækket af en medlæber, der var dyppet i krapfarve, og så rullet stramt op om et sammenrulled håndkælde. Derefter blev det dampet i 1½ time. Det blev fint, men ikke fantastisk - billede følger.
Der kommer helt sikkert flere PlantePrint eksperimenter i den kommende tid. Blandt andet skal jeg teste, om jeg kan få bregner til at give den smukke lysegrønne, som den gav på vores medløbere.
lørdag den 26. oktober 2024
I nat ... Tonight
Her holder jeg musen over, og der står fra 02-02 som klokkeslæt. Så i morgen og de kommende par uger er det atter lyst, når vækkeuret ringer, og Piraten kan cykle afsted igen uden voldsomme lygter, og mit indre ur vil atter være i overensstemmelse med virkeligheden - jeg glæder mig til at sove ordentligt, for sært nok vågner jeg en time tidligere, når vi har sommertid. Det vil sige, hvis vi skal op klokken 7 (der jo egentlig er klokken 6), ja så vågner jeg klokken 6 (altså egentlig klokken 5), jeg kan ikke forklare det, men i løbet af den næste uges tid stopper det fjolleri, og jeg vågner 5-10 minuter i syv, når vækkeuret er sat til syv, sådan som jeg gør hele vinterhalvåret. Jeg glæder mig! Og håber det idioti snart er fortid, TAK
Even though it is harder to see here on YR than it was on the lost and mourned BedreVejr, DST ends tonight. I here mouse over the relevant spot, and it tells me the weather tonight between 02 and 02 am. It is a bit absurd, but makes me really happy. Tomorrow and tomorrow, and for many days after the sun will be in the skies, or almost there when the alarm goes off. The Pirate can again bike to school, and my inner Owl is happy, as my time now again fits the clock, and I am no longer going to wake up an hour before the alarm goes off - no, I do not know why on Earth DST does this to me, but it does. Slowly, in the coming week, my inner alarm will recalibrate itself, and wake me u 15 to five minutes to alarm time, as it does all winter. I so look forwards to undisturbed sleep again.
torsdag den 24. oktober 2024
Til River 😉 For River
onsdag den 23. oktober 2024
Words for Wednesday October 23
The prompts for September are provided by Sean Jeating and can be found @ Elephant's Child.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
Due to an error we have two week's worth of words this time. The Words from last Wednesday were:
And then this week's words:
I am trying to gather up the shattered threads of Susan's story. Long ago I wrote a chapter which ended up with one of the professors, Marie-Louise, called M-L, dying. The words lend themselves to a description of her funeral - I did not use oxygen, and also I did not use the words in any order this time, I mixed them up well and good.
As I do not pull down my old blog posts, the early drafts of this chapter are still online here and here.
If you look there, you'll notice it's Torben dying. This is a mistake, as he was always my villain, and I use him as such in the very next chapter; on the other hand I always had troubles using M-L for anything - she was my sore thumb - so in my book (only offline) I killed her off instead.
Splendiferously was not a word Susan had ever thought of in connexion with a funeral, but then again she had never been to a witch's burial ever before. They had all gathered beneath the setting moon in the early dawn and the four oldest professors from Unicorn Farm had carried the coffin together with M-L's parents, all dressed in black robes.
Susan was not afraid of graveyards, she often used the big one in her hometown as either a short cut or a place for silence and thoughts. People telling tales of ghosts and spooky happenings were in Susan's mind biased, having watched too many movies on scary, creepy crows and whatnot in the graveyards. In reality the name Tranquil Gardens suited perfectly, and she hoped, maybe morbidly, to have just as great a funeral when the time came to give her body as nutrition to the worms.
The six black-clad magicians carried the coffin from the still moonlit hearse into the church. There the coffin was opened, and M-L lay as if she was sleeping, her face serene, an awe inspiring work of art and love after her violent demise.
When everybody was seated, the lid was put back in place, the candles were lit, the organ played and the magicians sang a hymn of intricate patterns and harmonies. The beauty and solemnity left Susan breathless. After a short, formal and very fitting ceremony the coffin was carried out into the new dawn and lowered into the newly opened grave. All gathered around the grave, and after the priest had sprinkled grave and coffin with holy water, the heaped up earth flew down the grave, packing itself around and gently covering the coffin, leaving a dreamscape of flowers and patterned sands glowing in the gentle morning sun.
mandag den 21. oktober 2024
Poetry Monday :: Apple :: Not Poetry
Today's topic is Apple. I was not able to write any poems, but last Wednesday the prompt for 365 Days of Drawing Prompts was Apples and I drew a couple of grungy apples, grungy being the InkTober prompt of the day. I'm trying to teach myself drawing in ink + one colour and cross hatching. At least it's fun. The colour here is not very obvious, a very pale tan.
A bit more than a year ago, I tried to make the Wordle of the relevant day fit the topic of either Poetry Monday or the Words for Wednesday. Today I tried to simply use Apple as the first guess - it went surprisingly well.
I've tried to find out if this Wordle is still accessible after my midnight and failed to find anything conclusive ... but ... if you still have not solved the Wordle for October 21st and can and want to, do not scroll down.
søndag den 20. oktober 2024
Sunday Selection ~ Søndagsbilleder :: Colour2024 :: 001
Finally I found 003 - and it was parked, so that I could snap its Pebble grey curves.
Shopping while visiting my mother I found Habakuk all dressed up for Halloween. I just had to bring him home.
Da vi besøgte min mor i torsdags var vi på indkøb. Der fandt jeg altså Habakuk, der var trukket i halloween-tøjet. Han måtte bare med hjem.
tirsdag den 15. oktober 2024
Hættemåger, krige og ferskner
For mange år siden stod der noget graffiti på et plankeværk, når man tog S-toget til København. Jeg husker det som om der stod:
Alle siger nej til hættemågerne.
Alle fugle siger nej lissom spætterne
Den er ikke go'
med Pershing to
Nej, må vi
så bli' fri! (Raketskimarsh Anker Schjerning 1981/82)
Lots of peaches for free
Millions of peaches, peaches for free
Millions of peaches, peaches for me
Millions of peaches, peaches for free
Letter blot på hætterne.
Svaler flyver bort.
Black-headed gulls, War and Peaches
Many years ago I saw some graffiti written on a fence I passed when riding the S-train to Copenhagen. I remember it as if it said:
Everyone says no to the black-headed gulls.
All birds say no like the woodpeckers:
There's something wrong
With Pershing two
So please let's
just drop it! (Raketskimarch Anker Schjerning 1981/82)
Lots of peaches for me
Lots of peaches for free
Millions of peaches, peaches for free
Millions of peaches, peaches for me
Millions of peaches, peaches for free.
That was the backstory. The other day I rode an S-train past that fence again, and remembered the more than half-forgotten black-headed gull verse. Then I thought up an autumn haiku along the same lines.
It's neither for nor against nuclear power, Pershing two rockets, the war in Gaza or anything else. It just is.
Awaiting winter
The gulls take off their brown hoods.
Swallows fly away.
mandag den 14. oktober 2024
Poetry Monday :: Island
I do not know why, but gulls have been flying around in the poetic compartment of my brain, jogged by a photo I snapped and the sight of an old fence on my way to Copenhagen ... strange things happen.
If something come off it, I'll post here later on.
Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons - and for travelling.
I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others.
-- -- -- --
The portal - my portal - led to Unicorn Isle
To meet Heidi and Knud, even Percy again
To run through those fields in the bright morning sun.
To wield my old wand, and to do magical spells.
But I'm old now and grey, and so are they all,
The teachers are greyer, if they are not dead.
I just can't return now. So I hang my head.
The wands are all broken, the magic is lost.
In Midsummer's heat I feel touched by the frost.
My portal is shattered, and where once it lay
Stands a kindergarten where small children play.
The walnut is chopped down, the meadow is gone,
The people who live there have fenced in their lawn.
Though my mind tells me no, as long as I live
In my unruly heart shards of hope will thrive.
søndag den 13. oktober 2024
Sunday Selection & Colour of the Month ~ Pebble Grey
1. Måger der flyver med sol på vingerne - de gennemlyste vingekanter er stengrå. Not "Wild geese that fly / with the moon on their wings" but gulls that fly with the sun on their wings, making the edges of the wings light up in pebble grey.
En hemmelig have i en bog. Det var en del af en vinduesudstilling, da jeg var på indkøb i onsdags.
A secret garden in a book. I saw this in a window, as I went shopping last Wednesday.
Jeg fandt også dette pindsvin. Den slags bogfoldning kan jeg godt lide. Og der er helt sikkert noget stengråt over pindsvinet her. I also saw this hedgie. As I have a soft spot for book folding, I had to snap him. And I'm sure there's some pebble grey hidden in his folds.
Endelig havde jeg heldet med mig. Kameraet lå i lommen, og min skarv stod på frøen i gadekæret. Stenen, frøen sidder på, er naturligvis stengrå. At long last I was lucky. The camera was not at home and the cormorant had returned to the pond in town. The stone, which is the base for the water-spouting frog, is naturally pebble grey.
Lousy quality, but still recognizable as a cormorant -- Elendig kvalitet men genkendelig som skarv.
En lille sjat overset gelé var mugnet og råbte ad os - naturligvis i stengrå. We forgot this jelly for a few days. It is screaming at us in mouldy pebble grey.
Et par valnødder fra vores have. De er helt friske og lækre nu.
We have a walnut tree in our garden. The walnuts are at their best right now.
Jeg købte nogle druer, og har aldrig set så lang en klase før. Døren kan nok siges at være stengrå, selv om det korrekte navn er modehvid. I bought a very long bunch of grapes - our door is almost pebble grey.
onsdag den 9. oktober 2024
Words for Wednesday ~ the Words and a Game
The prompts for September are provided by Sean Jeating and can be found @ Elephant's Child.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
This week's prompts are:
These last few days I've been noticing far more machos than is my wont. I have been looking at cars. Explanation will follow.
Long time ago, back in 2006, Myyratohtori @ Suomalainen Päivakirja (These Finnish word means Mousedoctor @ Finnish Diary) began a game. The Finnish licence plates all have 2 letters and then 1-3 numbers. The game is to look at the plates, and first find one with the number 1, then 2, then 3 and so on to 999. She is now at 513, so this is a game for the patient.
The Danish License plates are a bit different: two letters - two numbers - three numbers. So If I wanted to play, I'd have to look for a 001 to begin. Like this one:
AB 24 001
For a long time I did not want to play, but then 3 months ago I began looking ... and did I ever see a 001? No! I saw lots of 002's and 003's even a 000 - that one really has to be the starting point.
Then the last Sunday in September I told The Writer and the Owlets about this game as we walked to church, and agonized a bit. On the way back to the train station, while we were waiting for the green lights a 001 went past us. Yay.
I had seen a 002 parked at our local supermarket almost every day till then, so when I went shopping the following Monday I looked closely at all the cars in the parking lot, but of course it was there no longer. Only heaps of 003's. And Tuesday I saw no less than four 001's. Then as I sat dreaming in the bus, bags of shopping at my feet, we passed a parked 002. To be sure, I looked at the behind of the car as well, and yes, there it was.
Now I'm on the lookout for a 003, which has eluded me for almost 2 weeks. It sure is a game of patience. I can furthermore tell that the chance of seeing two cars following one another with the same last three numbers is way greater than I thought, as this has happened at least four times already.
I used the words: Machos, Dream, Bag, Walk, Behind, and four.
mandag den 7. oktober 2024
Poetry Monday Prompts for October
October 7, Shower
October 14, Island
October 21, Apple
October 28, Small
I hope to do some of them, and hope you'll have fun!
søndag den 6. oktober 2024
Sunday Selection & Colour of the Month
Not much text - and just two photos
White canola, the pests can't see the white flowers.
With a small effort it can be seen as Pebble grey - the Colour of October.
onsdag den 2. oktober 2024
Words for Wednesday :: Updated
& IWSG Question of the Month
Yay! Writing DID happen!
The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for September are provided by Sean Jeating and can be found @ Elephant's Child.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
This week's prompts are:
A short story, nothing special, but I'm writing again, yay!
Susan had to catch the train to get to Unicorn Farm in time. She was in a hurry because her bike had had a flat tyre and now she was panting, running towards the railway station. She could see the train still standing at the platform, she validated her ticket and ran on. The man with the whistle was ready to announce the departure. As he saw Susan coming panting along, he lowered the whistle and smiled at her. As soon as she was aboard, he blew the whistle, and the train slowly sat in motion, chug-chugging along. Susan rested her forehead against the cool window pane, her mouth tasted blood and her breathing was laboured. It took several minutes before she noticed that she was not alone in the compartment. The conductor that has saved her from being too late had come in and was ready to look at her ticket. She handed him her ticket, and was told that she would have to move to another compartment, as those seats were reserved. Susan thanked him for his kindness in waiting and picked up her small suitcase in her sweaty grip and moved to the next compartment. She wondered why anybody wanted to reserve seats on this train, and decided to spy on them to see who did this.
This story might be continued
Today is also the first Wednesday of the month. Time for the monthly Question from the Insecure Writers' Support Group

October 2 question - Ghost stories fit right in during this month. What's your favourite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends chills up your spine.
My answer - I do not like scary ghost stories, and my favourite ghosts are Casper the Friendly Ghost, Nearly Headless Nick, and Persephone, called Percy, from my Susan-story.
Actually I wrote a story about Percy and other ghosts a year ago. Susan here expresses my view on ghosts in a very fine way.
tirsdag den 1. oktober 2024
With this post at least I am going to post the InkTober prompts, then maybe I'll draw some of them, maybe only one or two, maybe even none. But at least I did something ;)
As I cannot read white on black, I inverted the colour sceme.
We're still trying to find our legs after the loss of granddad. The burial will happen Friday, and Sunday friends and family will all have left us again. Then I hope to slowly find my way back.
I dag er det den første oktober, og altså den første dag af InkTober-udfordringen. Jeg ved godt, at jeg fortalte at jeg var træt af dem, og at de værsågod skulle slå deres InkTober52 stikord for de seneste par år op, før jeg gad have noget med dem at gøre igen.
Men ... det at skrive, tegne og strikke gør underværker for mit mentale helbred, og godt nok har jeg fundet en ny udfordring, nemlig "365 days of drawing prompts" på Facebook - de minder meget om mit elskede Simple Daily Drawing som det var - men altså jeg er ikke god til Facebook.
Sp i det mindste kommer stikordene her, måske tegner jeg nogle af dem, måske et par stykker, måske flere, måske slet ingen. Men nu har jeg da i det mindste gjort noget.
Og eftersom jeg ikke kan læse hvidt på sort, har jeg inverteret farverne.
Vi er stadig i gang med at finde vores ben efter tabet af farfar. Begravelsen er på fredag, og efter at familie og venner igen er taget hjem søndag, sker der nok lidt mere.
- - - - - - - - -
1) Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want).
2) Post it *
3) Hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober2024
4) Repeat
Note: you can do it daily, or go the half-marathon route and post every other day, or just do the 5K and post once a week. What ever you decide, just be consistent with it. Inktober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits, so the more you’re consistent the better.
That's it! Now go make something beautiful.
*Post it on any social media account you want or just post it on your refrigerator. The point is to share your art with someone.
- If I do, the drawings will be marked as Completed and posted (at a later date perhaps) on my dedicated drawing blog