tirsdag den 16. juli 2024

Words for Wednesday :: July 17 :: The Words

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

This post goes live at 16.01 Tuesday my time. I have found out - hopefully now correct - that this is when Wednesday begins in Canberra.

For today the prompt are:

23 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for the beautiful words of encouragement.
    I believe very beautiful texts will be written with these words!
    I hope I can manage to write and come back with links!
    Good luck Charlotte!!

  2. Hi Charlotte - both sets ... : the first one ...

    The Harvest Moon golden tonight, yet often pale ivory coloured, shone out from above the dark ocean's gentle movement … which so often looked like stones being cut … sparkling in all directions, rough too …

    2nd set ...

    The beautiful fruits were nearly ripe, planting the quince tree made sense … now we had to find a recipe. We'd had an order for quince jam and quince cheese … panic was setting in … my actor's life came to the fore – I found myself giving a soliloquy as I faffed in the kitchen … wondering.

    Now I'd better sit at the table with my glass of ivory coloured wine and work out the days ahead in the kitchen to complete the order.

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I love both your takes. And do far too much faffing about...

    2. Good job. I first thought your comment on EC's story was your story. LOL

    3. I am going to have to add the word faffing to my regular vocabulary. It is a fabulous word.
      Nice use of the prompts.

  3. Increasingly I find the world a frightening place. Order, respect and kindness seem to be dying. Noisy, nasty voices cut through and infiltrate the news. Violence seems to be the order of the day – and the calls for action often seem to only just fall short of demanding that opponents be stoned. Proposals tabled by our politicians often seem to me to be destructive and/or cruel. It would be easy to panic.
    So how do I cope? I start my day with a soliloquy of gratitude. Gratitude for beauty, for the light of the gentle moon regardless of whether it is golden or pale ivory coloured, for the things that we harvest from the garden. Roses, for their scent and beauty, quinces for the nostalgic memories of dishes shared with my family…
    I am still aware of the ugliness of world affairs, but gratitude is a gift that keeps giving and it keeps me sane(ish).

    1. Hi EC - good use of the word soliloquy ... I'm afraid I just get up and the brain starts to click in! I'd be outside in the garden with roses ... while those quinces give off a wonderful scent ... lovely take - I'm trying to keep away from all problems, especially public ones ... cheers Hilary

    2. Gratitude is a balm for many ills. Nice use of the prompts.

    3. And cheers to you Hilary:-)

    4. Loved this EC..."soliloquy of gratitude"

  4. Soliloquy? Not a word heard often these days but I know what it means.
    Nice story Hilary, I haven't seen quince jam of jelly since I was a child and a friend's mum made quince jelly every year.

    1. I had to search for quince and found lovely pictures.

  5. I have written my story and it is on my page.

  6. Charlotte you have been giving us some great prompts. Thanks for the challenges.

  7. Heidi had been caught again. Her neighbor had called her mom complaining that Heidi had cut all the golden quince off of her bush in the side yard. It was not the first complaint from Mrs. Johnson . Earlier in the week she said Heidi had rearranged the pale ivory moonstone rocks beneath her bird feeder to say "beware of cat". And only a couple of days ago she had blown bubbles over the fence while Mrs. Johnson was working in her garden. But this quince incident was the final straw.
    And so it began. Heidi's mother started what should have been just simple guidance, that became an all out soliloquy. It started, as usual, with gentle tones and a sense of order to her thoughts and words (way too many words) , about how wrong it was to remove things from someone else's yard.
    But seeing the lack of interest, remorse, or regret in Heidi's face caused her to take a more aggressive approach.
    She smacked her hand flat on the table which knocked over the vase filled with roses, and sent water and decorative stones splashing and scattering across the it. "Oh no", she thought with a little panic. She had nothing handy to contain the water and used the hem of her tee shirt to sop it up.
    Heidi, though startled, started to chuckle, then laugh.
    When her mom asked her what was so funny, she told her that Mr. Johnson was the one who arranged the stones, and it was he who harvested the quince.
    "He gave them to me to hide until he can take them later today to his sister's house. She's going to make quince jam for Mr. Johnson to surprise Mrs. Johnson with for her birthday the next week.
    But I did blow bubbles, I just did not try to blow them at her. The wind did that all by itself.
    And on top of that, you made a mess, Mom"

    1. Anne in the kitchen: I love this and do hope that Mrs Johnson will apologise after she receives her birthday surprise. And that she gets an immediate apology from her mother.

    2. Hi Anne - wonderful fun take - and the type of thing that happens to kids, they often get blamed for something they didn't do - occasionally the other way. I hope they had much hilarity and laughter as they realised the truth and mopped up. Great use of the words - cheers Hilary

  8. I have nothing to offer this week but your prompts make me think. Thank you for providing them. I don't think I had ever used 'quince' or 'harvest' in any of my writings before.

    Have a lovely day


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