onsdag den 29. november 2023

Words for Wednesday, November 29

This challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

-- 🧛 --

The prompts for today as for every Wednesday in November are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and made public at EC's blog.

We had these words for the 29nd of November:


Again today Alex J. Cavanaugh's Words could maybe have fit a part of Susan's tale, but I choose to round off the story of Bill and Sue and their ghost training of the puppies. I'm as always using the words in the order they were given. 

When surveying the puppies hunting for gemstones in the leaf filled yard and surroundings, we brushed against the rickety walls of an old gardening shed, and Bill almost had a heart attack when one of the cobwebby windows fell out,  revealing a tiger ready to pounce. As his heart rate slowed and reason returned, he realised that a real tiger would have had the dogs raise havoc all night. On closer inspection, it was a statue, made in Japan from some black stone.
One of the dogs slipped on the cobblestones and fell whimpering to the ground. Bill looked it over for hurts, and found a small piece of stone wedged in its paw.

This put a stopper to gemstone hunting for this session. Over the lunch we discussed the lost Atlantis and its possible connection to pyromania, and found none. Suddenly Sue jumped up and flung the bowl of guacamole at the window with an energetic move.  
Bill leapt to the window and saw the puppies happily chasing off the vampire.
"It was the most garlicky thing around," Sue said calmly.

"Some day I'll either get used to this ghost hunting, or die trying," Bill said with a huge sigh.
We then calmly watched the piece of ectoplasm slither along the windowsill, and Sue scooped it up with a wooden slice and put it back into the box.

"I think those puppies are promising," Bill said. "They have shown good progress, almost ignoring the stones that did not 'smell' of ghosts."

"They should be with their pedigree," Sue answered, "but yes. I think we can call it a day. We have averted all attacks, and the puppies found all the ghost-infested gemstones ..."

"And a few of the non-infested ones," Bill said. "I might have left some traces on those."

"If you pick up the rest of the gem-stones," Sue said, "and then send off the report for today, I'll feed the puppies and make them pile into the car. If we're off in less than an hour, we'll make it home before nightfall."

tirsdag den 28. november 2023

Månedens farve - DECEMBER - Colour of the Month

Månedens farve for december 2023 er --  The colour of the month for December 2023 is

Poetry Monday :: A Pet's Life

   Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært.
     Dagens tema:
Et kæledyrs liv får den gnavne Uglemor frem. Der er alt for mange kæledyr her i landet, og der bliver taget mere hensyn til dem, end til mennesker og menneskebørn. Det gør mig gnaven!
     Og så lader det til at  det lakker mod enden med Mandagsdigte. I hvert fald skriver Diane at 1. januar 2024 bliver hendes sidste Mandagsdigt.

-- 🖋 -- 🐴 --🐶 -- 🐱 -- ✍ --

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

Today's topic
A Pet's Life makes me bitter, grumpy and what not because A pet's life in Denmark is privileged. The fur babies often take precedence to human beings and human children.

And it seems Poetry Monday is about to end, at least Diane says that Monday, January 1, 2024 is her last Poetry Monday - as copy/pasted below.

Fireworks at New years' might delight
the small ones.
But the dogs take a fright
They're begones.

Thick ice on the lake where we skate
would be nice.
But the 20 ducks' fate
Is worth more than ice.

Biking through the woods are safe
Road is not.
But the leashed dogs strafe
And they will trip us up.

Or without a leash even they run
Here and there
I'm in control says the man,
Hope it finds a red deer!

The pets are dieted and led to the vet
And kept fit.
The children are pampered, oh let
him have some more of the s...!

 - - - - - -

Upcoming topics:
Shoes (December 4)
Winter (December 11)
Cookies (December 18)
Christmas/Hanukkah/Holidays (Dec. 25)
The Future (January 1 My last Poetry Monday)

fredag den 24. november 2023

Words for Wednesday on a Friday

This challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

-- 🦴 --

The prompts for today as for every Wednesday in November are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and made public at EC's blog.

We had these words for the 22nd of November:

Alex J. Cavanaugh's Words could maybe have fit a part of Susan's tale today, but I choose to go with
my default couple, Bill and Sue and their ghost training of the puppies. It's a loose continuation of last Wednesday's post. And still I'm using the words in the order they were given. 

"A sword," Bill said, "Why is there a sword inside this old hat?"
"Hogwash," Sue said, "you're still dreaming. It's a cactus."
"I wonder if the ghosts put it there to deter the puppies," Bill wondered. "Are ghosts susceptible to silver bullets?"
"Come and have some coffee," Sue chided. "Your brains are addled and not quite awake yet."

After the coffee Bill went out and fed the puppies. They rushed out of the dog pen and peed yellow rivers in the morning frost.
"Now," Bill said, "my brains are once more in working conditions thanks to your coffee, let's see if we can teach those puppies some spirits-sniffing. I'll take the brown and the potato-coloured one, leaving you with the nincompoop in the indigo collar."

The decoy gemstones were put under some of the fallen leaves by Bill, using long tongs so as not to give off any smell. Afterwards he walked criss-cross over all of the area, into the house, back again, into the dog pen, and around several times. Meanwhile Sue put doggy treats into containers. She had the full attention of the puppies while doing so. Learning would happen.

Nye tider med bussen? Fredagsfrustration

Bus-rant, as forewarned in Poetry Monday.
Once again "improvements" to the bus and train scedules that are not.

  -- 🚍 -- 

Nu kommer de nye køreplaner; og som hvert år i december er vi spændte på, hvad Movia, Lokalbanerne og S-togene nu har fundet på for at skabe spænding i tilværelsen for os.

     Da jeg for et par uger siden læste en artikel på nettet (TV2 Metropol her - hvis den ikke ligger der længere, er der et skærmdump indsat nederst) , blev jeg glad. Nu skulle det endelig være slut med at løbe som en gal fra toget, ned under sporerne og op igen, mange gange kun for at se bussen forlade stationen - med en time til den næste. En overgang var det så galt, at vi kun nåede bussen én ud af fem gange.
     Poul Bayer, der er køreplanschef hos Movia, siger: "Fra den 10. december har Movia besluttet at rykke bussen fri fra de meget korte overgangstider. - Vi rykker tiden i begge ender, som giver rigtig god overgangstid. På den måde ændrer vi bustiderne fra at virke for det meste til næsten altid virke."

360R på Helsinge station en helt almindelig, våd hverdag

       Men træerne vokser jo som bekendt ikke ind i himlen, og både den gode John og alle vi andre, der glædede os over de gode nyheder, får en lang næse.
     Det er IKKE slut med at løbe efter bussen, og lige se den smutte, når toget er et-to minutter forsinket. I hvert fald ikke lørdag-søndag, hvor problemet var værst, med en time til den næste bus og lukkede ventesale - og heller ikke på hverdagsaftener.

     Ja det er faktisk blevet værre i weekenderne og i ydertimerne. Efter den gældende køreplan ankommer toget efter klokken 17 nu .57 og bussen går .01 (de 4 minutter er oftest nok til at nå bussen); men efter den 10. december går bussen .00 - et minut før. 

Poul Bayer siger ellers også "at han er enig i, tidsplanen er for stram." Men det afholder ham altså ikke fra at stramme den yderligerer i aftentimerne både hverdage og i weekenden. 

Læs artiklen på TV2 Metropol her, eller kæmp dig igennem mit skærmdump, hvis den ikke ligger der længere.

tirsdag den 21. november 2023

Poetry Monday on a Tuesday ~ The Bus

Today I'm playing catch up, nothing hurts overmuch, no pressing jobs, the dust bunnies can wait.

First a haiku The Bus. Sparked by the fact that the new schedules, coming in two weeks, improve the transit times ... on workdays between 7 am and 6 pm where the conditions are already tolerable (4-5 minutes and 3 buses an hour), but changes nothing in the daytime during the weekend, where we have one bus an hour, and TWO minutes to run from the train under the tracks and to the other end of the station - That is if the tunnel is not filled up with water, then we're in for an even longer detour. Much more about this -- in Danish only -- Friday for Friday Frustrations.

The Bus
A big yellow thing
taking me home in comfort -
if I can catch it!

- - - - - -

Next Monday: A Pet's Life

fredag den 17. november 2023

Mærkning af slikbøtter -- Declarations for whom?

For nogen tid siden ... næsten et år ... skrev jeg om mærkning af slik her på bloggen. Jeg skrev:
     For nogle dage siden var jeg på indkøb og overvejede jeg og jeg skulle blande mig en pose bland-selv slik, men jeg orkede ikke at læse mig igennem alle etiketterne med småt tryk, forvirrende skrifttyper og i underlige vinkler i min søgen efter HVEDEMEL og MÆLK - der godt nok som her er skrevet med store bogstaver eller med fedt, eller udnerstreget, eller kursiv, eller ... - og især efter sorbitol der også gemmer sig under E420 og på ingen måde fremhæves, fordi Fødevarestyrelsen har talt.
     Så blev jeg opmærksom på en far, der stod med sine børn og blandede slik. Han formanede gentagne gange børnene til kun at vælge dem med de grønne cirkler på. Jeg kiggede nærmere og så, at der øverst i kanten af hver etiket var en række forskelligfarvede bobler, en med Laktosefri, en grøn med Vegansk, en med Gelatinefri, og en med Glutenfri, tror jeg nok.
     Det vil så sige at det er nemmere at være veganer eller muslim end FODMAP-intolerant når man vil blande slik.
Forleden fik jeg så endelig taget nogle billeder af de famøse slikbøtter. Det var værre, end jeg huskede.

-- 🍬 -- 🍭 -- 

Some time ago I complained here on my blog about the labels on Pick'n'mix candy.
I wrote:
A few days ago, I was shopping and thinking about mixing myself a bag of pick'n'mix sweets, but I couldn't stand the prospect of reading through all the labels in small print, confusing fonts and at odd angles in my search for  FLOUR and MILK - which at least as shown are written in either capitals, or bold, or italics, or underlined, or ... and especially sorbitol, which also hides under E-420 and is in no way highlighted because the FDA has spoken.

Then I became aware of a father standing with his children mixing sweets. He repeatedly admonished the children to choose only those with the green blobs on them. I looked closer and saw that at the top of each label was a row of different coloured bubbles, one with Lactose Free, one green with Vegan, one with Gelatine Free, and one with Gluten Free, I think.

This means that it is easier to be vegan or Muslim than FODMAP intolerant when buying sweets.

Now, finally I re-found the candy store AND had my camera. The labelling was worse than I thought.
     På afstand ser det fint ud, forskellige mærker rundt langs kanten fortæller, at indholdet er fri for et eller andet.
     Men lad os gå tættere på. Kantmærkernes farve og placering er den samme på alle bøtter, så Jeg nupper nogle, hvor man faktisk kan læse teksten.

-- 🍬 -- 

At a distance it looks OK. Let's take a closer look. The labels are the same on all varieties and placed in the same spot. As some of my photos are fuzzy, the labels change without much ado.
Hvad er det så, vi kan få at vide? Fra venstre mod højre er det: Naturlig smag, Naturlig farve, Palmeoliefri, Gelatinefri, Vegansk. Altså er der igen kun taget hensyn til ideologier og religion.

På selve skiltet står der: Husk at handskerne anvendes i forskellige bokse, og at allergener og produkter derfor kan flytte sig mellem boksene.

     Allergenerne - nogen af dem i hvert fald - angives med fed skrift på selve etiketten. Her hvedemel, der giver folk med cøliaki alvorlige symptomer.
     I den engelske vingummi er der også æble-, fersken-, pære-, abrikos-, gulerods- og kirsebærkoncentrater, der giver mange folk med birkepollenallergi og/eller FODMAP-intolerance problemer.
-- 🍭 -- 

What do we see here? From left to right the blobs read: Natural flavours, Natural colours, Free from Palm Oil, Free from Gelatine, Vegan. Well none of those are actual allergens.It's ideologies or religiously based warnings.

Some of the text in the middle warns that: The gloves (gloves mandatory for mixing) are used in different crates. Thus allergens and produce can move between the crates.
Very useful warning, don't you think? The allergens proper are written in bold in the list of contents.

Kan indeholde mælk, nødder og jordnødder.
- Ikke et ord om E120, det røde farvestof karmin, der kan gøre folk med skaldyrsallergi alvorligt syge.
   Kan hænde, det er en Naturlig farve, men Naturlig betyder ikke nødvendigvis spiseligt, sundt og ugiftigt. Grøn fluesvamp for eksempel er 100% naturlig.
- Ikke et ord om æble og fersken, der kan give folk med birkepollenallergi problemer.

-- 🍭 -- 

The warning about of allergens here says: May contain traces of milk, nuts and peanuts.
- No warning about E120, the red dye carmine, which can harm people allergic to crustaceans.
   It is of course a natural dye, but natural is not the same as "not harmful" "edible" or even "healthy" Amanitas are 100% natural.
- No warning about apple or peach, which might cause allergic reaction if you suffer from birch pollen allergy.

-- 🍬 -- 🍭 -- 

Hvorfor er kantmærkerne ikke: Glutenfri, Laktosefri, Birkefri, Skaldyrsfri, Gelatinefri, Vegansk og eventuelt gerne FODMAP-fri?
-- 🍬 -- 

Why don't the labels tell us: Free from Gluten, Free from Lactose, Free form Birch Cross-reactants, Free from Crustaceans, Free from Gelatine, Vegan, and preferably FODMAP-free as well?

torsdag den 16. november 2023

Smuk morgen -- Beauty in the Morning

Vores udsigt i morges, da det lige var blevet lyst -- Our view at the break of dawn.

Sne! Det betyder snevafler. Og de blev da også bagt. -- Snow! This means waffles. They got made.

onsdag den 15. november 2023

Words for Wednesday November 15

This challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

-- 🪐 --

The prompts for today as for every Wednesday in November are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and made public at EC's blog.

We had these words for today:

Alex J. Cavanaugh's Words, do not fit Susan's universe. So this time too I revert to my habit from when first I participated in Words for Wednesday and made them all into a small, strange tale; still using the words in the order they were given, and proving once again that I'm better at beginnings than at endings. 

They told us the spectre was to be found in the mountains, so that's where we went with the new puppies in need of ghost buster training. The sunny nature of the puppies and the wonderful morning made for a  nice trip. Bill came up with the cockamamie idea of sleeping in the old, burnt down house.

There were carvings inside the house, some looking like ghosts, some like old crones, and even one remotely like a zombie. After dinner Bill fit the dongle to his laptop to send off his daily report, while I cleared the dense foliage from the back door in case we needed a fast getaway.

We ate by candlelight, the puppies and human all eating way too much because of the lights and the anticipation. The resulting crapulence made for several trips to the outhouse for the humans, and for short walks in the woods for the canine members of the team.

Maybe the tale will continue next Wednesday. Maybe Bill and Sue -- my default couple -- will just be off for new adventures.

tirsdag den 14. november 2023

Poetry Monday on a Tuesday

Yesterday was Monday - Poetry Monday. I did not write any poetry. Instead I visited an optometrist who had some good news for me. My good eye is a bit better, and my bad eye no worse. No injections of any substance in either eye required, see you in four months!

Happy MotherOwl!

And now, for Poetry Monday, I composed a short Haiku. I'm not happy with it. In my head I wrote a better one during the train ride home, but it was forgotten in the hustle and bustle of family life and joy in the late afternoon. I had to make a new one with the same contents, but the wording is not as good.

The topic is Grandma's Kitchen.

My Grandma's kitchen
Now lost to the mists of time
Yummy smells and love.

- - - - -

Next Monday: The Bus.

fredag den 10. november 2023

Fredagsfrustration ~ Coops mange ansigter

Coop prøver at være alt for alle. Jeg er bange for at de ender med ikke at være nok for nogen.

Friday Frustration
Once again that Supermarket chain. Trying to be all things for everybody. But as the old tune goes ... 🎵 you can't please everyone 🎶 ...

In January - when the news of Irma's closing reached me, I wrote about Irma on this blog:
Coop is closing down one of their chains. the only really good, mostly organic and not expensive supermarket in Denmark. It is being closed by short-sighted, visionless, un-understanding, power and money-seeking people. It's also one of the oldest and the brand is widely known - even as far away as Japan.

Discountmatch - well, det klarer Netto og Rema1000 bedre. Og bemærk lige, at de kæmper med sig selv i form af 365discount.

-  0  -

Matching the cheapest prices on 500 select items. Well the true low price markets do this better - and a fun detail: Coop is a conglomerate, and one of the chains they claim to match, is their own (365discount)

Så har de deres "ansvarlighedskampagneside". De fleste "handlinger, som de kalder dem, er enten bare varm luft - vi lever op til EUs krav på området udsat for fine ord, ting Irma begyndte med eller ting, der ikke længere findes - fordi Irma ikke længere findes!

- 0 -

This is their "we care about nature" page. The caption is a pun. It means "Time to do something" and "Time to go shopping". This is the best part about this page.
Most of these initiatives do not exist any longer, are just hot air and big words, or were discontinued with the closing down of Irma - that branch of theirs, I spoke of earlier.

     Billede af den lokale Coop. Discountmatch, Bedste indkøbsoplevelse OG Irmavarer. Jeg synes ikke rigtig det passer sammen.
     Uoverensstemmelserne er iøjnefaldende i mine øjne. Og oplevelsen indenfor er langt fra den bedste, som den Irma, i først Helsinge, og senere Gilleleje eller Hillerød leverede.
     Alle tingene på hylderne er bare de samme som i ethvert andet supermarked rundt omkring. Der er ingen sjove ting som krokodillekød, gedemælk eller kængurubøffer. Alt det købte jeg i den meget mindre Irma. Og heller ingen mærkelige frugter, ingen frosne delikatesser ... og så videre, og så videre.
Det er trist, discountagtigt og luset.

--  0  --

The local Coop seen from the outside:
Discount-match -- The best shopping experience in Northern Zealand -- Irma's best have come to our shelves.
The discrepancies are glaring in my eyes. And the experience inside is far from the best, which the old Irma in first Helsinge, later Gilleleje or Hillerød delivered.
All the things on the shelves are just the same as in any other supermarket around. There's no fun things to be had like crocodile meat, goat's milk or kangaroo steaks. I bought all of this in the much smaller Irma. And also no strange fruits, no frozen delicacies ... and so on, and so on.
It's dreary, discount-y and cheap.

onsdag den 8. november 2023

Words for Wednesday, November 8

This challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

-- 🪐 --

The prompts for today as for every Wednesday in November are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and made public at EC's blog.

We had these words for today:
Cumquat (which spell checker insists is spelled Kumquat - I leave the original spelling)
Snickerdoodle (which neither spell checker nor I knew before today)

Alex J. Cavanaugh's Words, do not fit Susan's universe. I reverted to my habit from when first I participated in Words for Wednesday and made them all into a small, strange tale.

Qumquats and whale blubber make for a strange lunch, but on our quest to eat our way around the world, we could not be fussy. And the tangy cumquat juices really fit the fatty lukewarm blubber. The restaurant sat in a corner of an old limestone quarry, now converted to a giant greenhouse - this is where the qumquats came from, and far off we could see the ocean, where the whales played, and were caught.
For desserts we had another exotic fruit, looking like a furry purple eggplant, but it was very delicious.

Some days later we sat at the buttresses of an old Mongolian castle, gingerly tasting the vat-grown mammoth meat. The waiter, dressed in hunting greens with an overlarge fedora emitted a harsh odour as he served tea and snickerdoodles to finish the meal. He then sat down and turned on the old TV set. So we finished the tea and cookies rather faster than we wanted to. Anime are not our preferred genre, and Overlord is quite brutal. 

That same evening we boarded the Orient Express bound for Japan.

mandag den 6. november 2023

Poetry Monday :: Watermelon ~ Nothing so Far, and Why

Every time I hear the word Watermelon, today's clue, I think of a children's play I saw with my school as a small one.

I imagined finding the lyrics for one of the songs, called The Last Watermelon in Town, would be fairly easy. And then I would translate / re-poemize it for today's post.

-- 🍉 --

I just forgot the harsh Danish copyright laws concerning lyrics and scores.
An English or German tune from 1969 would be no problem to find. Not so a Danish one.
It is impossible to find more than 3 lines from the song online, and the book is only accessible from a few public libraries in Denmark. Of course none of them remotely close to where I live. I could have it sent to the library close to me, and get it there, but this is not done in under 8 days - not remotely Monday any more.

-- 🍉 --

Maybe later today more will follow. I'm squeezing my brain.

The lines I found so far in Danish:

Her kommer jeg med byens sidste vandmelon, og hvis dragen blir liggende får vi ikke mere mad eller mælk eller smør eller æg eller æbler eller flæsk. Så er det slut med ... og vandmelonerne!

onsdag den 1. november 2023

November 1 :: Words for Wednesday & IWSG

This challenge started a long time ago, and now it has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

-- 🪐 --

The prompts for today as for every Wednesday in November are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and made public at EC's blog.

We had these Words:

-- 🪐 --

I do not know what happened. This reads like something out of Larry Niven's Known Space.

Saturn was orange on the horizon when we neared the festival. The gentle wind brought enticing, spicy smells to us. We were flustered with excitement over our first visit to the festival.

Imagine our horror at realizing that the neon signs in giant letters and the enticing smells were a hidey hole for something we now have dedicated the rest of our short lives to fight. It was a perfect cover up for a criminal organization known as the Organleggers, drugging people, and removing vital organs for sale to rich people wanting eternal life. Soon after we entered our kidneys were flying to another country. Without us.

   - - - - - - - - - - -

Today is also the first Wednesday of the month. Time for the monthly Question from the Insecure Writers' Support Group

November 1 question: November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not?

My answer: I have tried twice. Never enrolled and all that jazz. The first time around it was a personal sort of challenge by Sue Elvis November: 30 days - 30 blogposts. I tried and failed, as documented here.

In November 2019, I wrote a lot of chapters of my mock autobiography starting here, and ending with a sum up here.

After this I swore never to participate again. It was not fun, as I prefer to write in lumps and not every day for a month. Doing different things is meat and drink to my sanity, and I am a staunch adherer of the Spiral approach principle.