onsdag den 15. november 2023

Words for Wednesday November 15

This challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

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The prompts for today as for every Wednesday in November are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and made public at EC's blog.

We had these words for today:

Alex J. Cavanaugh's Words, do not fit Susan's universe. So this time too I revert to my habit from when first I participated in Words for Wednesday and made them all into a small, strange tale; still using the words in the order they were given, and proving once again that I'm better at beginnings than at endings. 

They told us the spectre was to be found in the mountains, so that's where we went with the new puppies in need of ghost buster training. The sunny nature of the puppies and the wonderful morning made for a  nice trip. Bill came up with the cockamamie idea of sleeping in the old, burnt down house.

There were carvings inside the house, some looking like ghosts, some like old crones, and even one remotely like a zombie. After dinner Bill fit the dongle to his laptop to send off his daily report, while I cleared the dense foliage from the back door in case we needed a fast getaway.

We ate by candlelight, the puppies and human all eating way too much because of the lights and the anticipation. The resulting crapulence made for several trips to the outhouse for the humans, and for short walks in the woods for the canine members of the team.

Maybe the tale will continue next Wednesday. Maybe Bill and Sue -- my default couple -- will just be off for new adventures.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Much as I miss your continuing story I enjoy your snippets - and hope that next week's words will allow you to continue this one.

    1. I miss Sunan and her world too. I love to write and hope to do more of it next week.

  2. I wonder if they did get any ghostbuster training. Maybe the words will let you say next time.

    1. I wonder too. Those "modern" words are hard on my creativity.

  3. You did very well with the words. I'm hoping my brain comes up with something still.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.