tirsdag den 14. november 2023

Poetry Monday on a Tuesday

Yesterday was Monday - Poetry Monday. I did not write any poetry. Instead I visited an optometrist who had some good news for me. My good eye is a bit better, and my bad eye no worse. No injections of any substance in either eye required, see you in four months!

Happy MotherOwl!

And now, for Poetry Monday, I composed a short Haiku. I'm not happy with it. In my head I wrote a better one during the train ride home, but it was forgotten in the hustle and bustle of family life and joy in the late afternoon. I had to make a new one with the same contents, but the wording is not as good.

The topic is Grandma's Kitchen.

My Grandma's kitchen
Now lost to the mists of time
Yummy smells and love.

- - - - -

Next Monday: The Bus.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Wonderful news about your eyes.
    I do like you haiku too.

  2. I'm so glad about your eyes!

    Grandma's kitchen always smelled wonderful.

    1. Thanks, and yes indeed. Grannys know how to cook, and be nice. I'm afraid I'm not a very good granny :(

  3. I never knew my garndmothers but I do remember the smells from mum's kitchen when she baked apple strudels and other yummy things.

    1. Oh, this sounds so nice too. Apfelstrudel sure is nice -. and the smell even more so.


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