tirsdag den 30. november 2021

Farvel og tak!

I dag går en gammel dame på pension.

     155 var hendes telefonnummer hele min barndom. I dag er det lidt mere kompliceret: 70101155.  Det er længe siden, at jeg har talt med hende, men jeg kommer nu alligevel til at savne hende.
     Bare visheden om at hun var der, med sin sirlige og præcise og let gammeldags stemme, gav mig en slags sikkerhed i hverdagen.

Efter 82 år siger vi farvel til Frøken Klokken.

Kilde: dr.dk

Today we say goodbye to an old lady

  During my childhood her phone number was 155. Today it's a bit more complicated: 70101155. It's been a long time since I've spoken to her, but I'm going to miss her now anyway.
   Just knowing she was there, with her neat and precise and slightly old-fashioned voice, gave me a kind of security in everyday life.

After 82 years, we say goodbye to the lady telling us the time.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Our time teller was a man - and you reminded me just how long it has been since I rang him. I wonder whether he is still there...

  2. Ours retired several years ago, and i still miss him.

  3. I didn't know there was such a thing as someone you could call for the time! Out here in the colonies we are the last to get such modern conveniences :D

  4. A little heartbreaking. I read a lovely story years ago about the 'Information, Please' lady. Such a wonderful tale! https://www.rd.com/article/boy-telephone-operator-friendship/

  5. 82 years. Did she have only the one job all that time? I guess she isn't needed now anyway with everyone walking around glued to their phone which has a clock.

  6. Interesting. Did she also talk to you or just tell you what time it was?
    I nearly could understand the words up there, but wee. It´s even more difficult than the Christmas book in "Platt" I found on the street. A bit similar, though.

  7. Svar
    1. Ja dit Zeitansage. Gibt es sie immer noch auf Deutsch?


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