tirsdag den 23. november 2021

Tirsdagstips - 2

Tuesday Tips

      At støvsuge i mørke kroge i novembermørket kan godt være udfordrende, så er det jo godt at cykellygten er opfundet og passer til støvsugeren også.

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  Vacuuming in the darker corners in November - a dreary and dusky month here in Denmark - can be a bit of a problem. What a good thing that my bike lamp fits the vacuum cleaner too.

Ikke flere dunkle hjørner og skjulte nullermænd  --  No more dark corners and surviving dust bunnies.

10 kommentarer:

  1. LOL. You are much fussier than I am but I love your ingenuity!


    1. Thanks! And not quite, I have some well grown dust bunnies. And I can't see the cobwebs without help ;)

  2. I am with Wisewebwoman. All the way. Sadly on dark days our dust bunnies survive and grow.

  3. I was removing a summer's worth of cobwebs - my energy is slowly returning, but my eyesigth is still not better.

  4. That's handy! I would never have thought of that. But then it never gets really dark here in Australia, not during daylight hours anyway.

    1. Rigth now I feel like it's newer getting real ligth. Even in the middle of the day the sun only just clears the treetops. And it's overcast more often than not. My camera mostly tells me to activate the flash even outside at noon :(

  5. Very smart! Much better than when i have to use the flashlight on my phone.

  6. I love this tip and will be getting some kind of lamp like this to put on my vacuum cleaner. Currently I've been using a flashlight set on the floor to cast its light across a section of it. But it's tedious and involves a lot of bending over and vacuuming with one hand. The easier I can make the job, the more likely I am to do it. Thanks for this, Charlotte.

    1. I'm pleased to be of help. I hafe aso juggled torchlight and vaccumcleaners until I got this idea. And I'm so with you on maknit things easier for me so that they will happen ;)


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