mandag den 8. november 2021

No Poetry Monday :: Pausefisk :: Updated

We've had a crazy busy weekend No poetry forthcoming. Also puns for me is a spur of the moment thing. I can't command them
I migth take a small blogging break as I feel I'm behind everywhere, but I'll be back, as I can't stop writing.
  Here's a crazy photo from a crazy week.

In Denmark, long ago in TV, when there was a break we had Pausefisk - You can guess - Pause fish!
Here are some Pausefisk from back then: Go a bit in, about a minute, I obviously cannot make it start where I want to.

8 kommentarer:

  1. I hope all is well and that you're back to writing soon.

  2. Love that photo.
    We will miss you - but take all the time you need.

  3. Please be well and happy, Charlotte. You will be missed!
    Have a punny day!

  4. You must have got all the supply of crazy, because my week has been so dull. Take all the time you need, we'll still be here.

  5. Oh I'll miss you and your poetry and writing. But take the break we all need some R&R from time to time.

  6. Haha, funker bare så sært på engelsk det udtryk 😄


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.