søndag den 1. august 2021

Sunday Selection -- Red Edition

     Dagens søndagsbilleder - som Elephant's Child heldigvis stadig lægger blog til på trods af blogger-bøvl og som også linker til Judes Colour21-udfordring - er et gensyn med en sjov funktion på mit kamera. Som jeg sagde da jeg bragte billedet første gang: "Hver gang jeg har set et billede som nedenstående, har jeg undret mig såre, hvordan er det dog lavet, har de møjsommeligt redigeret alt andet end den relevante farve væk ... sikke et slid, og et præcisionsarbejde. Så legede jeg med mit nye kamera, Se! der var en funktion, hvor man kunne nøjes med at have en farve "i farver"." 

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Todays Sunday Selection -- luckily still hosted by Elephant's Child despite Blogger trouble, and also linking up with Jude's Colour21 challenge -- is a revisit of a fun setting on my kamera. As I wrote when first I discovered this setting: "Every time I have seen a photo like the one further down, I have been wondering (oh yes I wonder a lot). How is it done? Do people really sit down and remove all colour but the wanted one. Manually. What a time sink, and what extreme dexterity.
Then as I was fooling around with my new camera, I found a "3 colour setting". Aha! That's how it's done."
Se, man kan kun se de røde farver på det her billede, hvor sjovt!
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Look at this! Only the red things are in colour, what fun!

Billeder fra en vinterdag, hvor den røde hat på billedet blev brugt af en meget flygtig gæst:
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Photos from a winter's day, where the red hat was worn by a transient guest:

Og en smuk, rød kvædeblomst fra vores have:
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And a pretty red branch of quince flowers in our garden:

En smule mere leg, min uglekop set helt tæt på og kun med rødt.
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A bit more playing, my owl mug seen up close, and only in red.

Og en opstilling med vores yndlingskrydderi, shichimi tougarashi (japansk syvpeber)
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And a 'nature morte' with our favourite spice, shichimi tougarashi (Japanese seven peppers/spices).

9 kommentarer:

  1. Excellent selections! It does look like a fun camera setting to explore.

    1. It is ... I have zillions of photos in my archives, most of them bad ;)

  2. I've wondered how those pictures are done, too, and thanks to you, now I know! I love that tiny snowman :)

    1. Thank you. I'm always happy to teach something - once a taecher, always a teacher, I suppose.
      The tiny snowman was a much appreciated guest, unfortunately she did not stay for long.

  3. Thankyou for sharing this "trick". I do love how the red pops in the photos.


    1. Thank you, they are fun makíng. You see the world differntly while doing this.

  4. This is amazing! Will my camera do it? Going now to see...


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