tirsdag den 17. august 2021

D... New Blogger up to Tricks.

It is bad enough that Blogger -- permanently? -- removed the quick-edit shortcuts from our blogs.

Some also has had their reading lists wandering off. Some has to eternally click Show all or Expand to see the whole list.


Now Blogger has found a new, ingenious way of making blogging harder, requiring more clicks, nerves of steel, and loads of patience.

Whether I edit an existing post, or create a new post, it now opens in HTML mode.

And furthermore, When I --  of course using TWO clicks -- want to switch to Text mode, I get a warning that there's something wrong with my codes and I might loose part of my post - this is not happening, it's a false warning.

Why are you doing all this to us, D... New Blogger?

And still bloggers under 18 years of age will have their blogs taken down as of September 1st.

Blogger? ... Hello? ... What's happening?

10 kommentarer:

  1. I haven't had any trouble yet, but I'll keep an eye on things. If it all gets too hard, I may have to give up blogging and then what will I do with my days?

    1. I hope you're not scared off this easily. I would miss you!

  2. Frustrating isn't it? And don't get me started on the difficulty of commenting from time to time.

    1. Yes it is frustrating, even more so because Blogger's owl sales line is the user-friendliness of the product. Commenting ... well yes, the less said, the better. Use the feed back thingie a lot! I do.

  3. Blogger.
    Do I need to say more?!
    Accidentially say publish before you want to - you cannot take that back! You have to copy it all (HTML in this case comes in handy at least) - delete and make new!
    What nonesense!

    WHAT? Two clicks and warning?! Looking forward to what happens here next... not!

    I think they take trainees to program and... well. no. I have no idea. If I worked like that.
    But... it´s for free...

    1. I can take posts back down, and change whatever I like. Strange Blogger. Being free is not an excuse for making so much chaos. I believe in your theory with the trainees ;) Let's hope a responsible person soon passes by and put everything back together again. Yes if any of us worked like that ...

  4. P.S I added your egg-explanation :-)
    Really. Not being into sweets I never knew, but I used it just an hour ago again.
    Cold enough to think of "snow" over here!

    1. Snow, please not yet. But here it's cold and RAINING!

  5. Making changes to your template in the dashboard is a bit longer so I do think the quick edit tool is useful and shouldn't be removed.

    As far as I know, if you close a post in HTML mode, the next time you open a post, it would stay in HTML mode.

    That warning when you switch from HTML mode to Text mode is valid. Blogger checks to see if your html is correct and often times, they are right. I have learned if you switch to text mode and ignore the warning, it corrects the html.

    The age change sucks for the younger bloggers but it makes sense because we want to protect children but also they should have the freedom to have a blog.

    Have a lovely day.

  6. Agree on the Quick edit tool

    This was how it was untilmthis Sunday. Now, no matter how I leave them, they open in HTML.

    Of course some times they are right. But this warning appears even if I'm switching to compose with a totally empty post or one with only text and no codes in it at all. And of course nothing happens ;)

    Yes, I can't see how having a blog could be harmful, it's other media that should close down ... and you can always lie about your age when creating an account.

    Same to you


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