søndag den 22. august 2021

Søndagsbilleder - Sunday Selections

I went for a trip to the woods. There I found these two, and some of their family. They were kindly asked home for dinner.

Cep, Boletus edulis

Terracotta hedgehog, Hydnum rufescens. 

Last Sunday we celebrated the Assumption of Virgin Mary. It was the right day for the benediction of a new statue in the rosary garden adjacent to the church.

6 kommentarer:

  1. While your dinner does look delicious, the mushroom and their families might dispute the 'kindness' of your invitation.
    That is a lovely and serene statue.

    1. I'm sure they are not so happy whit our kind invitations. But in a week or so, the family has once again grown big.
      Thank you, we're happy with it, as the old one broke when someone abducted it.

  2. I thought the mushrooms were toasted bread rolls at first. The statue is very pretty.

    1. Hehe, they could look a bit like that, yes.

  3. Mushrooms are tricky things, i am glad you know which ones to invite and which to leave alone.

    The statue in the garden is lovely.

    1. We only invite good friends home for dinner. And I always think of the song "Friends for dinner" from The Land Before Time, whenever I write this.


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