Lidt strikkeri er det dog blevet til. Jeg er nået over hælen med sok nummer to efter at den dukkede op, og jeg er endelig helt tilfreds med mine hælstrikningsevner, så nu er det bare lige ud af landevejen indtil jeg løber tør for garn.
Og så læser jeg gamle skolebøger som jeg finder antikvarisk. Det er ret interessant hvad de kan fortælle om børneliv før og nu. Og "før" er bare i 1960erne.Det vil der komme mere om senere.
- - - - - - Link til denne uges Strikkeklub hos Small Things -- This week's Yarn Along at Small Things - - - - -
Minimax' sock # 2 made a disappearing act, and this made me drop the knitting habit. They returned, but then other things happened. First I discovered FODMAP - a wonderful diet, that has made me 30 years younger in as many days. The garden finally thawed enough to pull some weeds. Then the schools in Denmark closed because of a lockout and MotherOwl's own school opened, knitting is not one of our subjects, but mending teddy bear and colleagues most certainly is. And then MotherOwl has the usual gazillion of other projects.
Even if my time has been very filled, a little knitting has been going on. After it reappeared, I have turned the heel on sock # 2 to my own full satisfaction. Now all I have left to do is keep on knitting until I run out of yarn.
I'm not reading anything but schoolbooks, old second hand schoolbooks. It is interesting what they tell us of how children lived earlier compared to now. "Earlier" being 1960s. More about this in a later post.
SvarSletI'm visiting from Sue's blog -after her kind write up of your blog (and after hearing of your many talents!) I just had to visit.
Now that I'm here I see we have much in common so I will be back to visit again :)
Gud velsigne jer
She wrote of me! I just can't believe it. I am happy come to know so many new people from far away places. I'm looking forward to seeing more of you here, on your blog and of coures at Sue Elvis' bog too.
SletMåtte Gud også velsigne jer.