fredag den 2. november 2012

Ugleboets ukendte beboere - The small People of the Owlery

     Ud over Uglemor, Skribenten, Hvalrossen, fire af de seks Ugleunger, 7 høns og et uvist antal bier (dem vil jeg ikke tælle), bebos Uglebo af nogle fantasivæsener: Regnbuedråberne. Det er 8 småfyre der bor i æbler fra vores sure æbletræ. De oplever eventyr ret parallelt med Ugleungerne, og Uglemor tegner og fortæller om deres liv.
     Sidste år besluttede Uglemor sig for at deltage i NaNoWriMo, men der skete aldrig mere end det. I år har hun så besluttet at udgive nogle historier  - ikke et ord om hvor mange - her på bloggen i stedet.
     PS. Fanen til siden åbner en anden blog. Det er bare en praktisk foranstaltning for at kunne lægge hver historie ind som et indlæg og ikke som en stor side. Det blev for uhåndterligt.

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 A very mixed lot live in the Owlery. We have already met MotherOwl, the Writer, the Walrus, four of the six Owlets, 7 hens, and an unknown number of bees (I never count them). But our garden is populated by 8 of the small people, they live in our apples and go adventuring, experiencing things astoundingly similar to the Owlets' mischief. MotherOwl draws and writes about them.

Last year MotherOwl decided to join NaNOWriMo, but nothing more ever happened. This year MotherOwl has decided to publish stories - notice the indefinite numeric - here at my Blog instead. MotherOwl is sorry to say that they might not be published in English from the beginning, only time will tell if that happens.

PS. The page "The Droplets" links to another Blog in order to post each story as a post instead of one continuous page, which quickly will grow too big. 
Uglemor præsenterer Regnbuedråberne:                           MotherOwl presents The Rainbow Droplets:
  • Ja, Uglemor er måske ikke den bedste tegner i verden, men ugleungerne elsker historierne. Måske beviser det bare at alle børn elsker noget deres mor har lavet præcis til dem? 
  • Well, MotherOwl is certainly no world champion when it comes to drawing, but the Owlets love these stories. Maybe it just proves that all children love things their mother made just for them. 

3 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    I love your drawings! I think that writing for our own children is the best sort of writing there is. Children's love and their delight in our stories is worth much more than great reviews and any money we may earn.

    I hope you will be able to translate your stories because I'd love to share them.

    I'm doing NaNoWriMo at the moment. I am writing a collection of stories for children. My children are my biggest fans, and I'm writing primarily for them. Maybe next year you could do NaNoWriMo again and put together a collection of stories for your children, similar to those you plan to publish on your blog. Then you could also share them with us!

    God bless!

    1. Thanks for your positive words.
      I think I'm going to oblige. The stories of the Droplets and their adventures will have their own page where I'll post the drawings - including English translation of the text - as I get them ready for publishing.

    2. I'm so glad I'll be able share your stories. Thank you!


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