This poem was originally written by Frank Jæger - yes you've heard of him before on this blog, he was MotherOwl's favourite poet as a young inhabitant of Elsinore, where he lived as well.
He wrote this poem about enduring winter - it is meant for and written about February, where all the accumulated summer-energy (the fires of our heart) is spent, but there's still a long time yet until sunshine and warmer days in April. February 2nd, Candlemass, is known as Midwinter-day in Denmark.
I might reuse this poem at a later date.
Liden sol i disse uger.
Februar har gjort os mindre. Sne som tynger. Is som knuger. Vi kan ingenting forhindre. |
Smallish sun in weeks of winter.
February made us lessen.
Sleet is weighing, darkness brooding ... Nothing we can do about it |
Vi kan heller ikke bede
om at måtte blive større. Stær og mus og vinterhvede må på vore vegne spørge. |
And we cannot ask for mercy,
ask for growth in time of winter. Bird and mouse and seed in hiding have to ask this favour for us. |
Men måske april vil hente
vore hjertebål tilbage. Sammen vil vi tålsomt vente, liden sol i disse dage. |
In April maybe the fires
of our hearts will be returning. Patiently we wait together. Smallish sun in days of winter |
Frank Jæger, 1953 | MotherOwl, December 2024 |
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Coming prompts:
December 16: Recipe for Disaster
December 23: Never Say Never and/or Christmas/Hanukkah
December 30: All Done
This is beautiful. Thank you.
SvarSletThank you, I am happy that the beauty shines through my translation.
SletWinter is hard on so many, and a very bumpy ride. I pray yours goes as well as possible.
SvarSletThanks for your good wishes, much appreciated.